Page 1 of Scan, Manhattan, Daewoo DVD mechanism idea

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Scan, Manhattan, Daewoo DVD mechanism idea

londonbabe (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 12th December 2000, 10:44

According to the review of the Manhattan, the drive unit itself is a regular PC DVD-ROM unit - therefore I assume this is also the case for the Scan and Daewoo.

If this is the case then can hardware related problems such as my CD-Audio problems could possibly be fixed by exchanging the DVD-ROM drive lock stock and barrel for another drive - perhaps of a more trusted make. OK, it`s probably going to be cream, not black, but you could maybe switch the original front panel at least.

Who else thinks this makes sense? Would scan be willing to ship out a replacement dvd-rom unit so we could have fixed players sooner without invalidating the guarantee - this might prove cheaper than all this dropping and picking, and sending things back to Korea.

RE: Scan, Manhattan, Daewoo DVD mechanism idea

Microstar (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 12th December 2000, 12:40

The Scan, Manhattan etc. use a DVS mechanism. DVS are a major league DVD drive supplier (they supply to many Japanese co`s, for example). I think that, on the average, there is unlikely to be a problem with the general quality of these drives.

I do wonder whether some of the problems with these players are due to bad handling during shipment. I noticed that when mine was delivered the guy in the delivery truck hunted around in the back for a while, found the package, and then *threw* it down on to the tailboard before bringing it to my house. Fortunately I`ve had no problems with my machine, but I don`t think throwing the box around is going to do anything good for the bits inside!!

RE: Scan, Manhattan, Daewoo DVD mechanism idea

nelley (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 12th December 2000, 12:45

The sc-2000 does use the dvs loader.Problems with these players
arise with quality control problems and of course bad handling by
couriers as well.

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