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RE: [VIDEO] FBI v Apple

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 29th March 2016, 08:40

Rob Shepherd says...
"I doubt they'll tell Apple"

I'm sure Apple already know/knew.

From Twitter
It took just over a month after FBI testified under oath that they couldn’t access a locked iPhone… to access a locked iPhone.
and the opening sentence of the Wall Street Journals piece on it.

The Justice Department and FBI insist the encryption debate is critical to national security, and they’re right. The problem is that—amid another terror attack in the West—they continue to supply more reasons to doubt their credibility and even basic competence.


My new Flash Fiction blog. All my own work

I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

RE: [VIDEO] FBI v Apple

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 28th April 2016, 08:32

If there is one thing that emotes people more than terrorism, it's child porn:

A Philadelphia man suspected of possessing child pornography has been in jail for seven months and counting after being found in contempt of a court order demanding that he decrypt two password-protected hard drives.

This is one of those frustrating cases that on paper, if you look at the known facts, the police authorities are demanding someone decrypts their computer data after finding nothing incriminating.

The authorities have called two witnesses. One was the suspect's sister who claimed she looked at child pornography with her brother at his house. The other was a forensic examiner who testified that it was his "best guess" that child pornography was on the drives," Donoghue wrote. The investigation began in 2015 when Pennsylvania prosecutors were monitoring the online network Freenet and executed a search warrant of the man's home.

Makes this a difficult case.


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RE: [VIDEO] FBI v Apple

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 28th April 2016, 08:52

Any idea how the same problem works in this country under the Human rights legislation?
It would be interesting to know how it would alter under the Tories proposed bill of rights which they hope to put in place as well.


My new Flash Fiction blog. All my own work

I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

RE: [VIDEO] FBI v Apple

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 28th April 2016, 13:17

I thought they had already made it an offense in the UK to refuse to decrypt something the police demanded you to?


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