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D&D online generator taken down

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 23rd February 2015, 08:41

Not my thing, but the act of Wizards of the Sword Coast (the owners of D&D) throwing their legal weight around against a guy who just had an online character generator, seems really lame to me.

In fairness, WoTC must protect its copyrighted material. They have provided a great deal of fun and meaning for all of us. My own work has been primarily an act of gratitude -- and a way of helping the four-million-plus individuals who have used my work find the same enjoyment that I have.

I have engaged counsel in the hope of coming to an understanding with WoTC. Over the years, I have made the games more accessable, promoted WoTC's products, and provided a high-profile physician's endorsement. During the 1990's, the game designers (then TSR Hobbies) with whom I spoke and corresponded appreciated my contributions to the hobby, including my online character generators. My adventure gaming site has never accepted advertising or made any money, and of course I have never pretended to own someone else's intellectual property.


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RE: D&D online generator taken down

admars (Elite) posted this on Monday, 23rd February 2015, 09:51

not my thing either any more, but it's a shame, maybe they(WotC) do, or plan to make their own version of such a service, and charge for it :(

Internet sure has changed since I started using it in the late 90s, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse :(

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