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Page 1 of Newspapers- who needs em?

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Newspapers- who needs em?

biglebowski (Elite) posted this on Monday, 30th April 2007, 09:49

I was just thinking the other day that one of the changes that the internet has wrought on my life is that i no longer read or buy newspapers. It actually kinda irritates me to be reading something that is hours out of date. Or if the story doesn`t answer all of my questions, that i can`t search for more stories to elaborate on a particular point. Not to mention the cost of a newspaper.

I can honestly say that i only buy newspapers if there is something good free with them.

So does anybody prefer to get their news the old-fashioned way, and if so why?

RE: Newspapers- who needs em?

Sue Brown (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 30th April 2007, 09:51

It`s an excuse to sit down with a cup of coffee. I rarely drink in front of the PC. But I agree, all major news I look at online. I just read the daily rag to look for less major stuff that maybe didn`t flash up on my screen the day before.



RE: Newspapers- who needs em?

cassius76 (Elite) posted this on Monday, 30th April 2007, 09:53

Newspapers are a dead format. Why do you think they give away free papers with the DVD`s on a Sunday! :)

Magazines are the same. I only buy EDGE now for the editorials at the back and the odd review. I gave up on movie mags like total film and empire when I realised I read the contents months before online...

My DVD collection


RE: Newspapers- who needs em?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Monday, 30th April 2007, 10:57

You can`t sit and browse the internet on the bog.
Noting better than shutting oneself off from the maddening crowd with a paper.

I don`t think it`s a dead format at all.
Perhaps the younger generation,who have no/little interest in news,think it is.
You`d have to trawl through umpteen websites to get the same info you can get from one newspaper.
Right off the top of my hed,you`d need:

A news website
A sports website
A cinema website
A travel website
A restaurant review website

They`re still a fantastic `one stop shop`.
Then there`s the logistics involved in connecting to the internet on the move.
Carry around an £800 laptop,then get stressed about connecting,or carry a 20p paper that one can leave behind ?
No contest.

Dead,my arse.
I would suggest the statistics would prove otherwise.
Even specialist magazines are reporting an increase in sales (ABC figures),so I would doubt newspapers are on the decline.

This item was edited on Monday, 30th April 2007, 12:04

RE: Newspapers- who needs em?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Monday, 30th April 2007, 11:10

Even specialist magazines are reporting an increase in sales (ABC figures),so I would doubt newspapers are on the decline.

This, hilariously, would disagree with you. A magazine aimed at the myspace generation that concentrates, amongst other things, on Emo? What could go wrong...

I think print, to a large extent, is not particularly dead, but is under a shift. Its why newspapers arent so much newspapers anymore but either daily Heat Magazines or political opinion pieces.

I only really buy papers on saturday and monday to get the footy news, because most papers are unmatched for that.

What im listening to (if youre interested)
Newly MySpaced fwiw *Updated..badly*

RE: Newspapers- who needs em?

!haGGis! (Competent) posted this on Monday, 30th April 2007, 11:40

I`m afraid the end of newspapers are nigh.. advertising revenues are down, readership is dwindling and staff are losing their jobs left, right and centre. (and i should know!)

RE: Newspapers- who needs em?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Monday, 30th April 2007, 11:56

I`m afraid the end of newspapers are nigh

I think that`s extreme.
I certainly can`t see their total demise in our lifetime.
Perhaps our kids` lifetimes,coz the little s***s can`t even be bothered to vote,never mind read about current affairs.

RE: Newspapers- who needs em?

!haGGis! (Competent) posted this on Monday, 30th April 2007, 14:09

not really extreme.. just reality i`m afraid.. they just can`t compete with online news or 24 news tv.. certainly in the case of my last employers - they have devolved into some sort of community info publicaton.. filled with gossip and nonsense..

see ^

RE: Newspapers- who needs em?

biglebowski (Elite) posted this on Monday, 30th April 2007, 14:13

You`d have to trawl through umpteen websites to get the same info you can get from one newspaper.

If only there were some way to quickly navigate between umpteen different websites.

But seriously, you do have a point about reading news on the move. Wireless networks are not cheap and even the slimmest of laptops weighs a fair bit. When i`m on the train i`ll often skim a paper left behind by someone else.

I still hate to read about breaking news in a newspaper simply because i know that i`m missing out. The amount of times i`ve looked at a headline in a newspaper and thought, "i read about that at 2p.m. yesterday!" is ridiculous.

Opinion pieces or analysis pieces fit better, but to be honest you can find these on the internet too.

It`s kinda like the Radio Times. Why would i buy it when i can get it free online?

This item was edited on Monday, 30th April 2007, 15:22

RE: Newspapers- who needs em?

Flyer (Elite) posted this on Monday, 30th April 2007, 14:32

You can`t sit and browse the internet on the bog.

Laptop, wifi, sorted, even keeps your thighs warm in winter!
Still agree, though, Sundays only, bacon & egg buttie, Sunday it.

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