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Bloody taxi drivers.

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Friday, 27th April 2007, 13:14

Sorry if any of you are but why do they think that because I have had a few beers that i won`t notice you taking me round the houses? He managed to make a £4.50 trip up to £7. I clocked what he was up to after about 50 yards when he went straight on rather than turning right thus taking me round the market adding just over a pound to get me back to very close to where we started. Needles to say when I got got home I told him to get to f***. He locked the doors so i told him to take me to the police. £7 for a £4.50 trip! He was the robbing bastard. Needles to say he let me out in the end.

I always round the price up as well. So he lost out on a tip as well.

Dr 42%er

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

RE: Bloody taxi drivers.

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Friday, 27th April 2007, 14:03

I think we must have the dearest taxis in Britain.
I`m close to £15 for 3.5 mile journey from town to home.
It`s a fiver as soon as you get in an Aberdeen taxi,no joke.
There are two taxi drivers in Aberdeen who have these,which says it all. >:(
These are £50K cars for christ`s sake,with white plastic taxi lights on top ?!?!? :/

My Bro-in-law is a taxi driver now.
Used to have his own building business,but lost three fingers to a saw.
He`s making as much/more taxiing.
Hundreds a night.

RE: Bloody taxi drivers.

rehan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 27th April 2007, 14:09

Hundreds a night.

And they still claim maximum child benefits as no one can prove how much they earn in a night.

RE: Bloody taxi drivers.

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 27th April 2007, 14:22

In big cities, its not so much of a problem. They dart back and forth, so they would rather make a lot of small trips than take the p*** out of one person. Its also a lot cheaper.

The taxi situation in oxford is just a scandal, to be honest and one of the reasons I have almost stopped going out into the city.

I live about 15, maybe 20 minutes tops outside the city centre and they want 30 quid before you even get in the f***ing taxi.

And, as bowfer says, I dont want to be chauffer driven home in a leather seated merc, i want a clapped out old nissan bluebird that wont cost me a days pay to make the journey.

What im listening to (if youre interested)
Newly MySpaced fwiw *Updated..badly*

RE: Bloody taxi drivers.

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Friday, 27th April 2007, 14:25

And they still claim maximum child benefits as no one can prove how much they earn in a night.

You`re definitely right with the latter.
My bro-in-law says he`s never been so cash-rich in his life.
It has it`s downsides (runners / vomitters / chancers),but my bro-in-law is lucky in that he gets a lot of work from the nice area he lives in,rather than town/rank jobs.

Mind you,it`s not just taxi drivers whose earnings can`t be proven.
My missus earns £20 a day in tips,easy. 8)
We rarely have to visit a cash machine.

RE: Bloody taxi drivers.

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Friday, 27th April 2007, 14:42

I actually object to cars being used as taxis.
I regularly,when drunk,wind up Aberdeen taxi drivers about it.
I think it should be law that they`re all hackney cabs.

RE: Bloody taxi drivers.

biglebowski (Elite) posted this on Friday, 27th April 2007, 14:44

I actually object to cars being used as taxis.
I regularly,when drunk,wind up Aberdeen taxi drivers about it.
I think it should be law that they`re all hackney cabs.

Why is that? To stop people moonlighting or freelancing or something?

RE: Bloody taxi drivers.

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Friday, 27th April 2007, 14:51

Why is that? To stop people moonlighting or freelancing or something?

That,plus other reasons such as:

1/ You try getting three big blokes into the back of a `Mondeo`,it`s like a game of twister.
2/ Once you`re in,you`re uncomfortable.
3/ I object to sitting on cloth seats that have been p***ed and spewed on at some point.
4/ The drivers themselves should prefer the protection of the little `booth` in a hackney.

Hackney cabs are specifically designed for the purpose,and do it well.
The biggest reason taxi drivers give for not doing it is cost.
"They cost £25K" they`ll tell me,as they drive their £18K saloon which certainly won`t wear as well or be worth as much in a few years.

Those that use saloon cars just want their cake and eat it.
They don`t want to invest in proper work equipment.
They want something they can whip the sign off and go on holiday in.

Quite frankly,f*** `em.

This item was edited on Friday, 27th April 2007, 15:52

RE: Bloody taxi drivers.

kebabhead (Elite) posted this on Friday, 27th April 2007, 14:52

Hate being fleeced at Crimbo when they charge you double time.

RE: Bloody taxi drivers.

biglebowski (Elite) posted this on Friday, 27th April 2007, 14:54

I know what you mean about the size alright. Somehow it just feels better clambering into a hackney. So much room.


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