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Page 1 of Automatic car washers -safe for metallics?

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Automatic car washers -safe for metallics?

74-Daijiro-74 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 22nd February 2007, 00:56

Haven`t used one in years and it looks like they use soft rubber now instead of bristles.
I normally jet wash but it would be handy to throw it through when I don`t have enough time.

RE: Automatic car washers -safe for metallics?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd February 2007, 10:47

You`ll always get old duffers saying they`d "never use a car wash",but I bet your manual says it`s perfectly fine to do so.
Mine does.
As you say,the modern ones that use soft rubber/material strips,instead of the thick nylon that can fray and cause swirls,are a million times better.
I use one all the time,mostly in the winter,with in-between handwashes and polishes.
I`ve never had anyone remark "ooh what a mess" about my cars.
Indeed,I have a reputation for having some of the best kept cars in the fleet.
I often go for black motors too.

RE: Automatic car washers -safe for metallics?

74-Daijiro-74 (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 22nd February 2007, 13:39

Cheers for that.
Looks like my car`s going to be a bit cleaner from now on.

RE: Automatic car washers -safe for metallics?

Eggster (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 22nd February 2007, 18:33

Dont do it it will put millions of scratches all over ya car and it time your paint work will fade then it will have to be machine polished and that aint cheep believe me i do this for a living 6 days a week .

RE: Automatic car washers -safe for metallics?

bogstandard (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 22nd February 2007, 21:42

Ditto the above - these machines will introduce swirls in the paint. Swirls are tiny scratches that you can`t feel but they cause a hazy reflection, almost like holograms - in direct sunlight or lights they look terrible. The only way to remove them is to machine polish them.

The best way to wash your car is using two buckets - one to rinse in so the grit doesn`t get dragged across your paint. Also use a lambs wool or microfibre mitt - a sponge offers no protection!

Sounds extreme, but most people`s cars are their second largest investment after their house so it makes sense to look after it.

RE: Automatic car washers -safe for metallics?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd February 2007, 10:03

As I said before,in my experience,the above is rubbish except in extreme circumstances.
I`ve never,ever struggled to sell a car because people have noticed paint problems.
Occasional car wash use (once every other week in the winter) combined with handwashing and use of good polishing products has my cars looking great.
For the record I use Meguire`s crystal paint cleaner about once a year to get the paint looking new,then wax with Collinite.

Excessive use of car washes may give the problems you describe,but not occasional use.

To be honest,if I was selling a car and some `perfectionist` (read anally retentive eejit,IMO) came along and started criticising the paint,they`d just be told to f-off.
I`ve enough grief in my life without people who are willing to have a seperate sponge for every panel and are willing to spend all day cleaning their car giving me more.

I like my cars to be clean,but I don`t intend entering them in valeting competitions...

This item was edited on Friday, 23rd February 2007, 10:06

RE: Automatic car washers -safe for metallics?

martin8777 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd February 2007, 17:49

i read this as -safe for metallica?

been a long day.

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