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Page 1 of The Great Loo Seat Debate

General Forum

The Great Loo Seat Debate

socks_uk (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 25th January 2006, 06:09

I heard the local radio presenter going on about the age old problem of men leaving the loo seat up and ladies leaving it down.

But why do we ever need to have the discussion at all when most toilet seat manufacturers provided an in-built solution....


We HAVE to leave our lid down to prevent the loo being used as a giant pet water bowl. Otherwise we`d have dead cats each time I use the toilet cleaner.
I shout at the TV / Radio everytime I hear `The Great Debate`. Maybe the Toilet manufacturers will stop making loo seats with lids if it`s only our house that actually use them. :/



I`ve also stuck this notice on the wall...

If I`m not clean
After you flush
Then please take out,
The toilet brush!

RE: The Great Loo Seat Debate

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 25th January 2006, 06:18

The force of the flush sends up mist containing particles of whatever was in the toilet... (a good 2 metres worth of force, I read - easily toothbrush distance!) so it`s a good idea to drop the lid before flushing.

In the bathroom at a house I was visiting last week there were new toothbrushes lying loose on top of the cistern. Eeeeeeew! Even without poo-mist that`s stomach-churning!


This item was edited on Wednesday, 25th January 2006, 06:20

RE: The Great Loo Seat Debate

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 25th January 2006, 06:57

Saw a programme on Sky where they put some clear liquid in the bowl, left the seat and lid up and fushed the toilet automatically. The liquid reacted under ultro-violet light and the water from the bowl had been sprayed everywhere. The walls, the door, even, as Gurly mentioned, the toothbrushes and other personal grooming appliances were all covered wityh a fine layer of toilet water mist.

I`m a bloke, and I always leave the seat down.

It`ll never heal if you don`t stop picking...

My Collection

RE: The Great Loo Seat Debate

nice1 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th January 2006, 07:55

From my experience most people - women included as much as men - are as lazy as each other and just leave the seat as they last used it.

I always know if there has been a visitor in the house because of how the loo has been left - and if it was a woman (the lid is nearly always been left up) or a man (seat up).

For the sake of hygeine the lid should be put down !!

Women are just as guilty as men for not putting the lid down.

Whether you leave the seat up or down is irrelevent.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 25th January 2006, 08:01

RE: The Great Loo Seat Debate

sj (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th January 2006, 07:57

People are too clean nowadays.....


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: The Great Loo Seat Debate

xfg (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 25th January 2006, 08:10

People are too clean nowadays.....

I believe some antibacterial products are over-used and won`t do us any favours in the long-run, but I draw the line at poo on my toothbrush!


RE: The Great Loo Seat Debate

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th January 2006, 09:51

I leave the seat however I find it. Up, down, whatever.........and I dont give a second thought to the p*** mist.

Funnily enough, I was having a similar discussion with the mrs the other day. I was eating something that, apparently, studies showed I shouldnt eat. I said that if I took notice of every study I would be living in a hyperbaric chamber, being fed through a drip.

A good example is my mate Shawbod. He got salmonella or something similar while we were at school. The council sent a team in to audit our school and found nothing. So they went to have a poke around his house. Turned out that his mum was such an obsessive compulsive neat and hygene freak that Shawbods immune system had been compromised by not developing resistances to hardly anything.

What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: The Great Loo Seat Debate

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th January 2006, 10:44

I will throw another aspect of toilet behaviour into the mix here...

I have a HUGE problem with blokes who pish straight into the water. >:(
Honestly,it bugs the crap out of me (sic).
They have the whole interior bowl to aim at,thus making their trip a quiet affair,yet they choose to announce to the world that they are,indeed,pishing. :/
I`m sure we`ve all been in situations where a bloke goes for a slash and everyone suddenly becomes aware of the `drumroll` racket that ensues.
NO excuse for it,other than laziness and ignorance.

RE: The Great Loo Seat Debate

LondonLee (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th January 2006, 11:03

My pet hate is those toilet seats which don`t stay up on it`s own. You have to physically hold it up while taking a slash.

RE: The Great Loo Seat Debate

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 25th January 2006, 11:11

I hate the ones that fool you in to thinking that they are staying up but then drop mid p*** splashing p*** over you. This only happens when you are meeting your new girlfriends mum for the first time and you are wearing light coloured trousers.

all the nest,

Dr 42%er.

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

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