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Page 1 of Ceramic and Halogen hobs Vs Gas Hob

General Forum

Ceramic and Halogen hobs Vs Gas Hob

socks_uk (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 7th January 2006, 13:48

Just asking people`s opinions of caramic or halogen hobs. Having a new kitchen fitted and need to decide.

I`ve always had a gas hob but hate cleaning the blooming thing. I like the instant heat of gas and the controlability of it so I`ve never changed but I like the idea of easier cleaning of ceramic and halogen hobs.

Any thoughts on this?


RE: Ceramic and Halogen hobs Vs Gas Hob

Flyer (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th January 2006, 15:06

We`ve just had a ceramic hob fitted & I think it`s great...smoother lines in the kitchen, instant heat (almost) dead easy to clean (som Mrs tell me! ;) ).

Won`t be going back to gas or *shudder* leccy for a while now. There are some great deals around for ceramics too as more & more people are getting them.

RE: Ceramic and Halogen hobs Vs Gas Hob

BigmanInc (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th January 2006, 15:08

Gas is by far the most controlable, it really depends if you are a closet cordon bleu chef, or just somebody who needs to heat the beans for the toast once in a while. I have no doubt the ceramics / halogen hobs are easier to clean. :D

The Bigman Cometh

RE: Ceramic and Halogen hobs Vs Gas Hob

socks_uk (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 7th January 2006, 15:42

Thanks for your replies.

Anyone else got an opinion?


RE: Ceramic and Halogen hobs Vs Gas Hob

marksparks999 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th January 2006, 16:10

nothing more to add than the others... personally as an ex-chef i would always go for gas!

`I am going to live forever, or die trying`...

RE: Ceramic and Halogen hobs Vs Gas Hob

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 7th January 2006, 17:09

we`ve got a leccy cooker in our new place and the missus hates it - wants to go back to gas as soon as she can.

Persoanlly I love Gas hobs....

Companies that have p**sed me off so much that I will never use them again and I hope you dont either....
Alloy Bodies of Manchester - The Grand Daddy & Benchmark for shockingly poor customer service.
Capital Bank Leasing who are part of BOS & are f**ing useless & struggle to action the smallest request but are fantastically efficient at taking money out of my account
Orange Telecom
....more coming soon no doubt.....

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