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Page 1 of Which city will win the race to host the 2012 Olympics?

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Which city will win the race to host the 2012 Olympics?

NoveltyCondomHead (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th February 2005, 09:25

New York?

Which one do you think will get it? Do you think we need it? Do you want it?

Strangely enough i`m warming to the idea!

RE: Which city will win the race to host the 2012 Olympics?

Zovirax (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th February 2005, 11:51

Paris.....The French realy do deserve this costly pointless waste of time,ego trip for the few, payed for by the masses, Olympic s*** games. :)
I bet the sponging BBC staff are hopeing for New York,....Nice free holiday for hundreds of them. ...Yes over 400 went to Greece on a freebie!! >:( >:( >:(

This item was edited on Tuesday, 15th February 2005, 13:11

RE: Which city will win the race to host the 2012 Olympics?

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th February 2005, 12:01

London hopefully. We don`t need it as such, would be good though.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 15th February 2005, 12:03

RE: Which city will win the race to host the 2012 Olympics?

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 15th February 2005, 15:09

Anywhere but London. It is not equipped, or safe enough, for it, nor ever can be made so.
When the Olympics were held in Sydney and Athens the locals fled the places in their droves. It is not a pleasant time, except for the egoists in the games itself, and the few who can afford the expensive seats.

RE: Which city will win the race to host the 2012 Olympics?

Nemesis (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 16th February 2005, 11:21

As Zovirax said
this costly pointless waste of time,ego trip for the few, payed for by the masses, Olympic s*** games.

The only argument that has any merit is that the money invested into the games will regenerate an area of London, but if that area needs the regeneration so badly why don`t we just take all the money an effort that is being spent on the bid and channel it directly into a profect to do just that.It is also hard enough to get around London as it is without the added difficulties of an event this size.

I don`t believe it would be good for this country, where is the return on investment? They are talking of billions paid out to build the facilities but how much will be returned to the coffers? Millions? I may not be an account but to invest a huge amount for a tiny return doesn`t make sense.

I don`t want to see my tax money wasted.


RE: Which city will win the race to host the 2012 Olympics?

draigcoch (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 17th February 2005, 19:09

I think it will probably go to New York. It will be in the tenth year since Sept 11th 2001, albeit only by a month or two if it`s held in July/August.

At the end of the day I don`t think it should go to London - anything that involves the United Kingdom plowing money onto something that`s only going to benefit the people of London shouldn`t be allowed in my opinion. If the Government have such a great traffic infrastructure as they claim, they should spread events all over the place, including Wales, Scotland and Ireland - after all it`s the British Bid.

RE: Which city will win the race to host the 2012 Olympics?

NoveltyCondomHead (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 17th February 2005, 20:19

I`ve got to say that the regions outside of Londons Biased Opinions are starting to wear thin. This is a London Bid - It`s not Cardiff, Glasgow, Manchester or Belfast! Everywhere else is jealous - History has shown when you put Manchester up twice for the Olympics - you lose.

The USA have had Los Angeles in 84 and Atlanta in 96 - I think they`ve had enough for the time being. They will not win this bid - it`s between us and the Paris Bid and we`d better start getting used to the idea that London maybe the place and be proud of the English Capital for a change.

RE: Which city will win the race to host the 2012 Olympics?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Friday, 18th February 2005, 08:32

...Yes over 400 went to Greece on a freebie!!

Do you have any idea how many people it takes to put on 8 hours of live tv a day for 2 weeks? You say some chumpy things, but that is one of the chumpiest.....

As far as the games are concerned, I know quite a few Greeks who say that while basic facilities improved and large parts were renovated, the tax increases they were hit with didnt justify it in the end and they would rather they hadnt had it.

I dont care where it goes, really. I think its better in a consistantly warm climate, so london and paris are out. Other than that, I dont really care.

It will make no difference to me at all. If its in london. I dont live there so I will still watch it on the telly anyway and it will make no impact on my day to day life at all.

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RE: Which city will win the race to host the 2012 Olympics?

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 18th February 2005, 11:14

I think Paris will get it - they have a very good intergrated transport system, reasonably cheap hotels and lots of big stadia. France is hosting the 2007 Rugby World Cup so will use that as an opportunity to make any improvements that may be called for.

Personally, I don`t care where it is held as I only watch the boxing so the time difference is not a huge factor. The U.S. has held it twice recently so I guess that will rule out NY, Russia is a mess so I doubt the IOC will give it to Moscow which really leaves London, Paris and Madrid in contention.


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This item was edited on Friday, 18th February 2005, 11:16

RE: Which city will win the race to host the 2012 Olympics?

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 18th February 2005, 12:19

Well said NoveltyCondomHead. I hope we get it, if only to spite the growing section of negative people in this country who just don`t want to do anything ever, except p*** and moan constantly.


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