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What is the best and worst extra(s) you have ever watched ?

DVDan (Competent) posted this on Monday, 26th March 2001, 20:40

Ok, we all know that most of the extras on DVDs are just rushed mini promotional stuff. But what extras are actually really good ? And which are really bed ?

I would have to say the documentrys on JAWS and Terminator were very well done.

On the other hand, I thought pretty much every feature on MIB was terrible, and Alot of Terminator 2`s extras were pretty pointless.

RE: What is the best and worst extra(s) you have ever watched ?

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Monday, 26th March 2001, 20:48

On the perfect storm dvd i enjoyed the yours forever montage. I here the deleted scenes from mallrats are really good. Alot of the stuff on the scream 3 dvd was useless and s***e i expected much more All the stuff on Road Trip was top quality material. Jaws making off was brilliant. Alien Ressurection featurette was crap point less s***e you name it.

RE: What is the best and worst extra(s) you have ever watched ?

SheepDip (Competent) posted this on Monday, 26th March 2001, 21:29

Worst extra - that rave event thing on Pitch Black. They just shouldn`t have bothered!
Best - any deleted scenes - I personally always find it interesting what stuff gets dropped and why. Also trailors - many people find these dull, but I think they are often very good examples of marketing of the time. Look at the trailor for Yellow Submarine if you have that disc for example - very sixties/seventies feel.

RE: What is the best and worst extra(s) you have ever watched ?

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th March 2001, 08:56

i thought the extras on road trip and scary movie were awful. the most rediculous individual extra ive seen has to be the first one on charlies angels where everyone spends the whole six or seven minutes kissing the directors arse!!!

i love the extras on mallrats and clerks, particularly the commentaries and deleted scenes.

T2 was tooooo much. i just cant be bothered going through them all.....

RE: What is the best and worst extra(s) you have ever watched ?

James Clews (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th March 2001, 09:18

Worst extra ever has to be on "Alien Ressurection", that stupid 2 minute "featurette" was a joke, sort of thing Sky Premier has on before a film is about to start.

My fave extra would have to be any of the Bond extras, they are really interesting if you are a big fan (yes, I am) and give some historical background to how the movies were made during the earlier years.

Also the BWP extras are pretty cool.

RE: What is the best and worst extra(s) you have ever watched ?

Moo.. (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th March 2001, 11:46

extras that stand out for me are the ones on lethal weapon 4. now i know some of them are cheesy, but this disc was my `introduction` to the world of dvd. it was the first dvd i saw and the quality of the film along with a packed disc full of extra simply BLEW me away.....

RE: What is the best and worst extra(s) you have ever watched ?

UNBREAKABLE (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th March 2001, 22:44

l think Galaxy Quest has nice goodies. Their deleted scenes are funnier that those in the comedy!

RE: What is the best and worst extra(s) you have ever watched ?

Blazingmonga (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th March 2001, 23:06

Hmm interesting.............

Best:- The deleted scene from `Gattaca` where the guy drinks the urine sample..........that cracks me up every time. I must have watched that 20 times in a row. Woooo!

Worst:- The `trailers` section on some discs such as `The Outlaw Josey Wales" Basically a big string of adverts. Evil.


RE: What is the best and worst extra(s) you have ever watched ?

Johnny Utah (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th March 2001, 23:51

Has to be the 90 min making of documentary on the "From Dusk `til Dawn" Special Edition. Brilliant.

RE: What is the best and worst extra(s) you have ever watched ?

DVDan (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th March 2001, 23:59

I thought that the deleted scenes in Terminator were generally very good ( especially the scene were Saraha Connors suggests that they should blow-up cyberdine ) and I would have preffered an option to watch the movie with them dropped in like the incredably pointless special edition of Independence Day ! To behonest, does any one really care to see more footage from that film ? Anyone ? Anyone at all.......

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