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i didn`t realise there were cuts!

carmy (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 26th March 2001, 17:10

i recently bought die hard 3 and after watching it returned it to the store on the basis that the film was faulty ie it skipped at least two scenes.I`ve just realised that these were cuts! how pathetic.
do i have to buy a r1 copy to get the full version?

RE: i didn`t realise there were cuts!

groovedoctor (Competent) posted this on Monday, 26th March 2001, 18:28

I think that`s the only way to the get the full uncut version.
The UK Version has the shootout in the elevator trimmed, the execution of the bank guard with the long knife shortened and some language re-dubbed. (F*** you Joe becomes `Go away Joe`)

RE: i didn`t realise there were cuts!

clayts (Elite) posted this on Monday, 26th March 2001, 19:56

Makes a change from "Motherflipper" I suppose !!!

RE: i didn`t realise there were cuts!

johncock (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 26th March 2001, 23:58

why do they cut them? i watched rambo part 1 on dvd r2 and in one scene on a motor bike he says "get out of the way f***kers" but they have cut it to some kind of crap like "get out of my way please if you dont mind thanks" it does nt even look right. but when it was show on channel 5 it was not cut for gods sake channel 5

why do channel 5 get to show the uncut film and we have to buy a dodgy version it makes no sence.

has anybody noticed cuts in any other films so i can stay clear and buy the r1 version

RE: i didn`t realise there were cuts!

ShaunBoy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 27th March 2001, 08:34

[rantmode] It`s a general problem, and it p***es me off! Why can`t the film boards learn that we are capable of making our own decisions and let the viewer decide what they can and can`t watch. I`m 32, fit, and as odd as it may sound, fully capable of a) not buying something, or b) pressing `stop` if I don`t want to see it. I think as well as a rating, they should also say if the film has been cut to achieve that rating.[/rantmode]

The Abyss is cut - the scene where the rat is `breathing` the underwater fluid.

Have a look at Rewind ( They compare R1 and R2 (and sometimes R4) disks and often say whether a particular region release has been cut.

RE: i didn`t realise there were cuts!

Wayne Reeves (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th March 2001, 11:06

It appears that the BBFC make cuts or changes on a random basis from what I can see. Looks like it`s all down to who views it at the certification stage to me, some people are more open minded than others ?.
Funny how real life scenes(e.g violence) are acceptable on a news program yet simulated in a movie they are considered unsuitable!!??.

RE: i didn`t realise there were cuts!

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th March 2001, 11:41

I find it hard to believe this sort of thing is allowed to happen. I realise that potentially harmful material should be regulated but surely a film for entertainment purposes is a whole world away. I`m pretty sure that if I watch certain films from certain movies I`m not going to jump up, get a gun and kill people. How sheep like do they think the population of this country is? How is it that the person who cuts the films is apparently "immune" to such "harmfull" scenes yet we are are all apparently so suceptable to them? Answer me that one Mr BBFC! Do you have insurance against these people going AWOL and killing a whole bunch of people? Or does such a suggestion sound stupid? OF COURSE IT`S STUPID!!! We have the right to make up our own minds what we want to watch. If you want to protect young ones from adult material then enforce the age certificates more stringently and fine shops who sell to young people! If a parent leaves adult (violent, pornographic) films lying around, then it is the adults fault that the child gets to see them.
Film making is an art, yet it is somehow not seen like that.
How about those pictures recently displayed by that artist who photgraphed her kids naked in masks? Surely THAT is wrong? A newspaper sent off copies of the pictures to be developed at Boots or somewhere and the police were called in believing them to be child porn!! Point proved in that case I think. Where`s the line? When will people get their heads straight and realise we have brains in our heads, and not just sheeps brains either!

RE: i didn`t realise there were cuts!

bear (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th March 2001, 12:24

A few years ago I bought Enter The Dragon on VHS, well in the scene where Bruce Lee is beating up all the guards with a couple of sticks , a part was cut out, but what I coudn`t understand was when they caught him in a cave ( all the doors shut and he sits down ) the master off the Island looks down from a door above him and says " you have a truly remarkable talent" well they cut that scene out the video,yet when its on TV that scene is in it, so somebody went to the trouble of takeing out a 5 second non-violent scene , bloody strange!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 27th March 2001, 12:27

RE: i didn`t realise there were cuts!

gearbox (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th March 2001, 12:43

The region 2 version of ERASER is cut in a big way.The region 1 version is the best to get.Same as Matrix.Two small cuts as NEO and AGENT SMITH clash in the subway.Are we not old enough too watch such violence as a headbutt?Also,why do BBC show films with the bad language taken out but produce there own programmes like ATTATCHMENTS which was shown at 9:00 on BBC2 with swearing galore.Double standards again.Surely this could be watched by young children?

RE: i didn`t realise there were cuts!

Grunt boy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th March 2001, 13:48

Its ridiculous. You can watch a rodent crawl up some fat guys @$$ in "the Klumps" but you can`t see one breathe liquid in "the Abyss"?! Since when has sodomy been more acceptable than deep sea diving?

Destroy the authorities of the UK - that`s the answer. Or buy R1 disks.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 27th March 2001, 13:48

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