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Page 1 of Jaws 3, you can still see the 3D fx?

DVDs & Films Forum

Jaws 3, you can still see the 3D fx?

orac (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 22nd March 2001, 16:13

Yeah I know the film is pants.

But if you watch it with those red and green glasses, you still can see the 3D fx, anyone agree?

RE: Jaws 3, you can still see the 3D fx?

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd March 2001, 18:29

I used to love all the Jaws movie but last night i saw JAws 3 for the first time in 14 years (i was about 7 at teh time) And cant remember what i liked about it. Was this really the saem movie? I was thinking recently to get all of them when they come out on dvd but i think i might give Jaws 3 a miss now. Anyone know when Jaws 2 is out>? Some sites (r1) are taking orders for it but dont say when it will be oout. I know its not as good as one but its good and its got roy scheider

RE: Jaws 3, you can still see the 3D fx?

DVDan (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 22nd March 2001, 18:50

Jaws 3 was terrible !

And like you, I remebered it being quite good the last time I saw it. Oh well. JAWS 2 is better than 3, although I`m still undescided....

IS JAWS 3 better or worse than JAWS 4 ?

RE: Jaws 3, you can still see the 3D fx?

Johnny Utah (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd March 2001, 20:45

What is it with Jaws 3? I also remember it as being good. I WAS WRONG! Although I was about 8 last time I saw it. I didn`t know it was 3-d, maybe that`s why the shark looked so s*** as it seemed to just drift forwards towards the screen.

Definetely one to miss.

Oh, and can anyone tell me if Jaws:The Revenge is any better (not hard), because I also saw that when I was younger, and seem to remember it being good!

RE: Jaws 3, you can still see the 3D fx?

dicanio (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 22nd March 2001, 21:25

How does Cheif Brody die? Hes alive at the end of Jaws one and 2 and AFAIK he`s okay in 3. he isnt in 3 but his son mike mentions his parents are okay and are still on amity island. In Jaws four all of a sudden hes dead even before the start of the film and lorranine garay is trying to take revenge. What happened? I smell a preqel coming up

This item was edited on Thursday, 22nd March 2001, 21:25

RE: Jaws 3, you can still see the 3D fx?

DVDan (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 22nd March 2001, 23:56

Cheif Brody died of a heart attack, not long before the events of Jaws 4. They dont say how or why though.

As for JAWS 4 being any good.....well, its not a good film. Although, comparing 3 with 4, I would have to say its better. Jaws 4 feels more like a JAWS movie, which 3 didnt. But the shark is the fakeist looking one of them all.

And the ending is really confusing. Its badly edited, and you cant really figure how the shark died without being told.

Incase you dont know, it gets impaled on the end of the boat, which is the dumbest death yet.

RE: Jaws 3, you can still see the 3D fx?

orac (Competent) posted this on Friday, 23rd March 2001, 09:14

so nobody has dug out some old 3d glasses and tried it?

come on, own up....

This item was edited on Friday, 23rd March 2001, 09:14

RE: Jaws 3, you can still see the 3D fx?

Johnny Utah (Elite) posted this on Friday, 23rd March 2001, 12:57

No, but sad as I am, if I had known before hand that it was 3D I might of looked for some old 3D glasses somewhere!!!

RE: Jaws 3, you can still see the 3D fx?

WPKenny (Competent) posted this on Friday, 23rd March 2001, 13:46

I thought they made two versions? One that was meant to be 3d and one that wasn`t....but that was years ago I heard that and could be wrong.

RE: Jaws 3, you can still see the 3D fx?

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 24th March 2001, 17:38

"Jaws 3D" was the original title. It was later re-released in standard 2D as "Jaws 3".

Basically, the way these 3D films are made, the film would be unwatchable without the glasses, so they no doubt went with the 2D version for the DVD release.

Shame really - they should have released the 3D version with a set of glasses included in the box :-)


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