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Info and forum posts by 'Tubs74'

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Joined on: Thursday, 19th July 2001, 15:29, Last used: Wednesday, 3rd June 2009, 13:11

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This user has posted a total of 818 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.1 messages a day, or 0.69 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: New laptop...Vista or XP?

I was weary of Vista to begin with - but I`ve found, overall, that it`s a better OS than XP.

I think if you run it on XP equipment - that`s where the problem is, the resources it needs are far more than most XP computers had. You also have to be aware that extra "security" means more hoops to jum through.

I still use XP on my laptop (can`t have more than 1GB RAM), and at work and do prefer vista to both of them.

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: Best laptop for about £400

Personally I wouldn`t buy a laptop for under £600 - there are usually shortcuts made that will really affect useability or reliability.

And it`s usually 6 months down the line that you find that "what do you mean I can`t do that?" comes into play.

The only exception would be the netbooks, where you know at the beginning that you`ll not be able to do it. The Asus EEE that comes with XP seems good value.

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

Leona Lewis ... Light Up

I know she`s not "cool" but first time I heard Leona Lewis sing Light Up, I thought "That sounds good" - think it was the live lounge version.

Starting to grate a little, I think it`s those little "warbles" and "screeches" she puts in to make the song "hers".

Also, has she had a nose job?

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: POLL: Social Services: A Waste of Space

Do you know how hard it is for a mother of two see the cruelty and abuse that she has seen?... but she still does it.. because someone has to

And when somthing doesn`t go right, she`ll be pillored by the right wing press (or random people on internet forums), the same people that have been demanding that social services stay out of families lives and stop being do-gooders.

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: POLL: Social Services: A Waste of Space

Interesting commetry from the Independent ..

"The only people in the country who can still be lawfully hit are children"

"His mother was an accomplice - she who should have been his most fierce protector. It was within the family enclosure that he was battered and broken. As in other such filicide cases, one malevolent enemy was his flesh and blood. Many more young children are brutally treated by their own behind closed doors where domestic dungeons provide sanctuary only for the perpetrators. "

"The children`s writer Anne Fine has said of home life: "It is a crucible of security as well as the crucible of misery." Families can beat you up, cut you down, mess you up, drive you mad, crush your body and spirit."

"But still we fetishise the institution, give it ever more power over its members, more since right-wing orthodoxies have taken root on the left. David Cameron believes parents know what is best for their kids. Mr and Mrs Common Sense tell the nanny state to keep out. "

"In recent years, effective campaigns have been raised against medical professionals, social workers and police officers who suspect parental brutality. I do not doubt that real abuse has been left to carry on as a result. Not upsetting parents became the credo and children`s rights were demoted. Parental power can deny pupils a holistic education. Many pupils cannot join trips, wear ordinary school uniforms, read novels, do drama, study evolution or human procreation"

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: POLL: Social Services: A Waste of Space

I would think you`re being slightly unfair. "Social Services" are still human being and the ones that we`re involved are probably as devesated as anyone else is.

But if the processes aren`t in place, can you really blame each individual?

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

Cadbury Minature Heroes

What`s happened to these!

They now consist of

Chocolate Eclairs
Dairy Milk
Dairy Milk Nuts
Dairy Milk Caramel

No more Dream, no more Crunchie, no more Picnic, and Bournville probably the worst dark chocolate ever.

And really, since when has "Chocolate Eclairs" been considered a chocolate! If I wanted a chocolate eclair I`d go and buy a packet!

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: Prisoners should have access to the internet - discuss.

Prison is supposed to be about rehabilitation as well. Whats the point in locking someone up for five years if they come out and do exactly the same thing?

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: Secondary School Laptops

I work in a school and we don`t do this scheme.

But I would say I see fully why the school would go down a managed system like that - resources.

Luckily I have two good technicians but there are still three of us supporting 800+ computers, 20+ servers and 1300+ users (with over 300 different educational applications).

To throw into that mix 1000+ "devices" that have to have x applications, we wouldn`t stand a chance.

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: minimum wage

I think it was Churchill who said something along the lines of

"Without a minimum wage the good employer is undercut by the bad who is undercut by the worst"

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: Rubbish films you love

Some of the Ray Harryhausen stuff : Jason and the Argonauts, Clash of the Titans, the Sinbad films.

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: Anyone got a Nationwide mortgage?

Hmmm, I think it`s not that uncommon. You can usually overpay and then take a holiday on paymenst for the mortagage to catch up.

ie it`s really like a savings account for your mortagge./

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: What the hell have they done to Post Offices?

It`s this privitisation lark - the post office used provide a "local" service by cross subsidizing.

The real money maker for them was the "Commercial" mail - ie Bank statements/invioces/junk mail etc. Once that was opened to competition - TNTPost, UKMAil, DHL Global Mail etc - which are smaller and manage to do it cheaper than Royal Mail, it is pretty much the end of the Post Office as we know it.

So the benefits of privitisation so far have been - business mail is cheaper to send.

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: Nokia 6500s

Add the number to your phone book?

Sometimes mobiles add +44 infront, so the phone thinks +441233 123456 is different from 01233 123456. But I have a 6500s and it doens`t seem to do that.

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: Would You Want A Plate Of GM Chips?

I think GM has a "publicity" problem - I`m not against GM foods per se (with proper testing, trials, labeling etc) and things like

* Getting crops to increase vitimins
* Crops that "display" when under attack
* Making crops more "Hardy"
* Crops needing less water or Nitogen/other chemicals

I don`t think are a bad thing. Where as

* Making crops resistant to a weed killer
* Turning off "breeding" genes (You have to buy next years crop, you can`t sow your seeds)

The first lists seems to be the "promise" whereas the second seems to be the reality basically all the big "profit" scenarios.

Also, an option if you find Supermarket foods tasteless - grow your own. Home grown Tomatoes ripened taste fabulous, with fruits there are many that can be grown in the UK - blackberries, red/blackcurrants, strawberries, gooseberries, apples, pears, plums, just to name a few easier ones.

You can also make a vegtable patch out of a front border fairly easily, or a 1m by 1m wooden frame filled with soil. Of course, during the winter don`t expect much more than cabbage, sprouts and turnips :-)

PS If the monachy is "disbanded" we don`t need a Head of State, or if we do why introduce another person, make it the Prime Minister.

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 19th August 2008, 09:36

RE: 3D baby scan

We had one done, it was great seeing him. But we really only got few minute glimpses as the placenta was at the front and he kept putting his face into it.

Well worth it though.

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: The Doctor is back at last!

Got to agree, the Donna Noble sentiment of her being a proper "Assistant" - the love interest with Martha and Rose was I though the worst parts of the new doctor.

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: Another Knife Death!!!

Is banning "Knives" really going to change anything? Especially when the chance of being caught are pretty much non existent ( unless you are an actually need a knife ).

Knives are seen as a mark of "Respect" by the people who carry them, along with the prison sentance that would go along with it.

The real question, is how have we managed to let this culture "be created" in the first place? So lets ask this question - you are more likely to carry a knife and use it if you

a) Live in a leafy suburb, with a caring family and have been given oppertunities to go to school, get an education and improve yourself
b) Live in a crime riddled inner city estate, probably in a tower block, living in relative poverty, with parents that are disinterested in education as they don`t see a reason for it?

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: POLL: Should I invite my half sisters husband & daughter to my wedding?

Surely though, forgive and forget?

Coming from the other side of this, my Dads family always fall out. So and so said this, so and so didn`t invite me to ... etc etc

My Dad fell out with his twin sister and didn`t speak to her for four year, she then got ill and died (although he did see her).

Invite them, if they don`t like you hopefully they won`t go, but let them make the choice.

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: Cant believe this!!!

Much the same, I wasn`t taught about the holocaust and that was 18 years ago. I also "did" history at GCSE level, and our main topics were Mormons and the Amrican Indian things.

If the things that were done to them, were done now days there would be an uproar. "Nits Breed Lice" was the comment of one US general just before he slaughtered 200 women and children.

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: Banks lose overdraft charges case

I think we can all mostly agree that "overdrawn" charges are excessive - how much does it really cost for an automatic letter to be printed and sent to you - even including all the hardware and the batch jobs written to query databases etc - in the pence. The rest of it seems to be "punishment" for going overdrawn.

The Banks will claw this money back somehow - and "free" banking will go to be replaced by I think a number of different "schemes"

1) Basic accounts - no overdrafts, no "switch" cards, only a cash card, probably with a carge for withdrawing money. No Direct debits. No capability of going "overdrawn". Telephone only.
2) Paid for accounts - probably between 8 & 12 pounds a month - the normal "current" account.
3) "Gold" accounts - pay in X thousand a month and get free banking (which have already been introduced) or extra freebies - travel insurance, discounts etc.

There will still be "overdrawn" charges for 2 & 3, but probably around £5.

There will also be a change with credit cards, probably less 0%s, and charges.

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: The AudioBook Thread. What are You listening to ? :)

Stephen Fry reading Harry Potter.

He`s good, although some of his voices are a bit annoying - his high pitched Mrs Weasley and Hermione can grate.

It`s 2007 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: Castration Is Coming To America!

Do you know, Alan Turing probably one of the greatest minds of the last 100 years and a massive influence in helping GB during WWII (Breaking the Enigma codes) commited suicide after being given that chemical castration stuff?

(Oh, for the crime of being homosexual)

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: Missing schoolgirl Shannon Matthews has been found alive

Doesn`t "Working Class" generally mean that you work? Has she ever had a job? When did she have time with seven children?

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: Upscaling - Let the TV do it, or leave it to the DVD player

Playing around with them last night, that`s what I`ve set it to do.

It used to be :

DVDDISC -> TOSHIBA converts to 576p -> HDMI -> TV converts to 1080p and displays - so it`s actually going through two upscaling processes.(TV doesn`t seem to support normal PAL over HDMI)

So now :

DVDDISC -> Toshiba converts to 1080p -> HDMI -> TV displays.

Definately noticed the difference yesterday between this and when I changed channel to freeview.

It`s 2007 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

Upscaling - Let the TV do it, or leave it to the DVD player

I know it`s probably an answer of "whatever looks best for you"

But does anyone have any advice on what to let do the upscaling of a SD DVD when using a HDDVD player and a HDTV?

I have a Samsung LE37M87BDX (which is 1080p) and a Toshiba HD EP30 player. Currently I have the Tosh ouputting at 480p/576p (It won`t go any lower when using the HD connector) and allow the TV to do the rest of the scaling.

I tried going through each setting, and the image looked very similar no matter which was chosen, with maybe the Samsung was just slightly ahead - of course it`s hard to compare without a side by side.

So, the question really is - is the upscaler in the Samsung TV better than the Toshiba HDDVD one?

It`s 2007 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: Samsung LE37R87BDX - Now got it!

Surely the "upscaling" on a £800 TV will be better than anything that a £40 DVD would do?

It`s 2007 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: Eduardo injury

Hold on, cracking down on late, bad, high whatever tackes would mean mean people wouldn`t take those stretching high late tackles that break peoples legs.

If you think those tackles are part of the game, and just something that has to be accepted as going to happen and we shouldn`t do anything about them then I think we just have to agree to disagree.

It`s 2008 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: Eduardo injury

> If you want Platini to start issuing red cards for every tackle that is deemed "late" then
> you will end up with a game in which tackling doesnt happen - or one which ends in
> abandonment of matches left right and centre due to having 6 or fewer players on the
> pitch

And that would be a bad thing? Barging goalkeepers used to be part of the game, tackles from behind used to be part of the game - these things have gone and my opinion make a better game. And that sounds similra to when the tackles from behind rules were being mooted.

In fact having a look about the current wording is "A tackle, which endangers the safety of an opponent, must be sanctioned as serious foul play." - I think any late or high tackle, even if it gets the ball is pretty much serious foul play.

You similie was crap, a better one would be "If I went to grab the cup from you when you didn`t want me to and splt it over you causing 3rd degree burns" or "A drunken driver runs over a pedestrian. Tragic accident?"

It was a late tackle, it was a high tackle, it was ouside the laws of the game - Taylor was 100% at fault. An accident implies that no one was at fault. (no I don`t think he should be banned for life, no I don`t think he did it on purpose, no I don`t think he should go to jail, no I don`t think he is a dirty player, no I don`t think anything other than within the rules of the game should happen to hi)

It`s 2007 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

RE: Eduardo injury

> Do you blame Dennis Irwin for finishing Dave Busst`s career?

Yes, him and Mclair flew dangerously challending for the ball. The only "saving" grace was that they were all going for the same ball, and weren`t specifiaclly tacking him.

If you watch the youtube clip, Taylor hits Eduardo in the middle of the shin - his foot then runs down his leg to his ankle. It was a late and high tackle. In fact the more I see it the more I think that that sort of tackle should be an immediate red card, no matter if he gets the ball or doesn`t break a leg. IIFRC Henry got sent off in the world cup in 2004 for a dangerous tacke that would have been very similar (the difference being he went "over" the ball)

The picture here shows first contact, Taylor with his leg out locked, heel hitting Eduardo`s shin.

It`s 2007 for God`s sake. Give me my jetpack, and give me my x-ray goggles. This future is rubbish.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 26th February 2008, 12:00