Info and forum posts by 'dogg01'

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Joined on: Monday, 28th May 2001, 22:25, Last used: Monday, 28th May 2001, 22:25

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 13 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: CHEAP Predator boxset at Ezydvd!

How do you know that the Aussie version of Predator is cut to ribbons? The US and French bersions were uncut, the only reason our version of Predator is cut is because the disc uses the german cut of the film.

RE: Films that are cut for R2

No, that`s not right,

PAL 25 fps
NTSC 24 fps

If NTSC had more frames per second the films would be shorter than on PAL.

RE: American Pie

The only difference between the cut and uncut version is the pie scene, there is (sadly) no more Nadia!

RE: cheapest clerks please

The site is for the store, `Jay and Silent Bob`s Secret Stash,` which is situated in New Jersey. Kevin Smoth owns the store (or something like that) so I think there is a good chance of it being real.

RE: cheapest clerks please

Try Jay and Silent Bob`s secret stash, it costs more and takes a lot longer to come, but it is signed by Kevin Smith!

RE: Predator : Forget the DVD, buy the Video

Why all the bitchin?
Just calm down, relax, go to some R1 site and buy Predator 1 & 2 uncut with DTS.
You know you want to.

RE: Mission Impossible 2. Any Good??

John Woo is a f**king god! Although some of you think MI2 was kinda crap I say that it`s worth having it for two reasons.
1 You can skip to the first shootout and just watch from there
2 It`s worth paying £19.99 for the Mission Improbable extra anyway!
Those of you who hate John Woo have obviously only seen MI2 and Hard Target, and not the amazing films such as Face/Off, Hard Boiled, The Killer and a Better Tommorow.
Anyway, hard Target was under the control of sam Raimi and Robet Tapert, so Woo cannot be blamed for that, and he had to cut s**tloads from MI2 to get a PG 13 certificate by the MPAA. So lay off the genius, and buy all his films for the spectacular ballet which he creates.

RE: The greatest movie cliches ever

Here`s some for ya!

1.) The wires in a bomb will always be different colours. Why don`t they just make the wires the same colour?

2.) If there are two people, and the hero has a gun, said gun will be flung just...out...of...reach...

3.) If a women gets home in a film above the 15/R rated, said women will instantly do something which involves her gratuitously taking off clothes. This is a cliche which should be kept in methinks!

RE: Possible Star Wars dvd specs?????

Why don`t they bring out a Special Public`s Cut of Episode 1 consisting of the end light saber battle and the pod race. With a digitally enhaced Anakin replaced by an animated Darth Vader photo?

Anyway, I think Lucas will release the lot as a 6-disc boxset because he won`t find another way to flog Episodes 1-3 (unless Speilberg does Episode 3?)

RE: What region is best for BLADE!!

Unmentioned on the box for both R1 and R2 is the commentary which is accessable through the Audio menu.

I also think the R1 version has an isolated score.

RE: Movies cut in Britan

My guess is that Prdator was cut so the Fox could fit the film onto one single-sided disc, as this would be incredibly cheep to produce.

Sky were able to show the uncut version of Eraser because that was the 18 certificate version available in the cinema.

Cliffhanger was cut to get a 15.