Info and forum posts by 'wildphantom'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 25th March 2001, 21:01, Last used: Sunday, 25th March 2001, 21:01

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: DVD player: Sony 325

This user has posted a total of 12 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Indiana Jones - How would you like to see it released?

If they go for a box set then I think it would be fairly likely that they each be on a single disc with an extra disc with bonus material. Basically the same way they released The Godfather Trilogy.
However, I hope they come up with some better packaging than that because, as lovely as that leather-like Godfather case was, the individual cardboard cases inside were shoddy. Proper plastic cases please Paramount!! Or even better, a fold out like LOTR: Extended Edition got. Now there was a case!!!

I can`t wait for Indy to come to DVD.
Three consecutive nights of classic adventure movies in glorious 2.35:1 widescreen and DD5.1 (hopefully DTS).

It`s got to come out this year!!!!!!!


My gift set has already been posted so i haven`t got the cancelling option. Its not that I mind particularly as having the soundtrack and a senitype will be fine.
But the fact that Universal has thrown this all on us so late in the day makes me wonder whether the R2 version will have the `82 cut on it now.

It seems that it was Spielberg who pretty much told Universal he wanted both cuts on the standard edition so not to do the same on the R2 version would provoke much controversy.

Anyway, I`d like to know whether the `82 cut is in fact in Dolby surround as they originally said or if it has a proper 5.1 mix like it should have!

WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT!!!!!!!! Official!!!!

Just heard that Roger Rabbit is finally coming to DVD on March 25th in a 2-disc 15th Anniversary edition.

About time. have an official press release.

The three shorts they made are also on the first disc and there`s a commentary.
Plus there`s a special `Who made Roger Rabbit` featurette being specially made for the DVD.

This is all Region 1 but I imagine it`ll get an R2 release at the same time


If all this is true then I`m absolutely appalled.
Firstly, I despised the 2002 special edition. I absolutely love E.T. and was well annoyed when i heard that the only way i could get the original 1982 version on DVD was on Region 1 and in the 3-disc gift set.

But, as alot of fans have done, I ordered the gift set just to get the version we should be able to get on its own.

So now it turns out that the `82 version is on the standard 2-disc edition and is in DTS???? What the hell???

My gift set should be arriving tomorrow, and if the 82 version only has a Dolby surround track when there`s a DTS one on the standard DVD I`m going to be furious.

Further to that, if it turns out that the Region 2 version has the `82 cut on the standard edition then I`m going to be livid!!!

What are Universal playing at?? Gobsmacking stuff!!!

RE: BTTF Picture transfer.......

I`ll be playing it on a different player later tonight but don`t think it`ll be any better.

They`re good but not great.
I`ve had a browse around the net for people`s opinions but everyone seems to be raving about them. Maybe its just me; maybe it is my Dad`s player I played them on last night.

I hope so as I have waited for so long for them to come out as they`re amongst my favourite films.

BTTF Picture transfer.......

I`m amazed that all you out there that have got your BTTF discs haven`t mentioned the fact that the video transfers are really disappointing.

I mean, they`re fine but for a release of this magnitude I was really disappointed. Universal have had years to get them perfect.

Bob Gale assured us months ago that they looked fabulous but the picture on all of the three films is undeniably grainy.

Still, for £18 I can`t complain too much. That`ll hold me over until the R2 release in December where hopefully the transfers will be much better.

RE: Most Wanted DVDs A Wishlist

Most wanted:
1. Star Wars Trilogy
2. Indiana Jones Trilogy
3. Godfather Trilogy
4. Back to the Future Trilogy

All of them should really be out by now. There`s no excuse for them to be anything less than the best DVDs on the market.
I`m expecting the Star Wars DVDs to be utterly drenched in extras. Looks like we`re gonna have to wait ages for Lucas` space opera although `Phantom Menace` will be more than welcome at Christmas in a 2-disc set.


I actually thought that `Magnolia` was the best film I`d seen in a long, long time. I missed it at the flicks but my best mate went on and on about it for months. I bought the DVD when it came out and was blown away by it. Technically it is ridiculously good. The majority of directors in Hollywood couldn`t even contemplate making a movie of this magnitude and this PT Anderson guy is going to be a god in years to come.

The DVD also includes the best documentary I`ve seen on the format. Its almost worth buying just for that.

Incidentally, I saw the DVD in HMV yesterday in the sale for something like £12.99.
American Beauty was in there as well - brilliant film.

R2 Batman and Batman Returns - any good?

I`ve been thinking about buying the first two Batman movies on DVD for a while. Now I know that there`s nothing on the discs in terms of extra but I want to know what the transfers are like.
Are either of them anamorphic and if not what is the quality like once they`ve been blown up for a widescreen TV?


ET is coming back to cinemas next March in a Special Edition for its 20th Anniversary - much like Star Wars in 97.

I`ve read in several magazines that the DVD will come out that same week but seeing the massive potential box office in cinemas I think this is unlikely.
ET could easily do $150 million in America next spring as well as being a massive success worldwide. I reckon we`ll see the DVD around Christmas 2002.

RE: SEVEN (R2) - Sync problems

My player is a Sony S325 and so should be up to the job. It plays the so called `dodgy` Toy Story Boxset and Matrix just fine.

SEVEN (R2) - Sync problems

Just slapped in the quite brilliant double-disc set of `Seven` to watch for the first time and noticed that the sound is blatently out of sync. It is only a fraction out but is noticeable and certainly lets it down.
I read a review of the disc in some DVD magazine last week which also said their copy was out of sync and I`d like to know if anyone else can see the problem.

Is it a faulty batch and if so who should I contact?