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Info and forum posts by 'Gearbox-The-Postie'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 9th October 2007, 11:06, Last used: Thursday, 5th September 2013, 13:33

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This user has posted a total of 75 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.09 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: How do you feel about the privatisation of the Post Office?

A few years ago the RM was broken up into 3 internal groups - Distribution (vans/lorries), deliveries and mail centres. There was also a creation of regions which was totally geared up to sell off in groups/individuals. This never came off and when labour won in `97 it was put on the back burner.
We had a "phoney" share scheme about 5 years ago. It was called Share In Success and if the company performed well then we got a payout on our shares for 3 years. Years 1 & 2 paid out and then 1 day before the 3rd year payout, we was told that the company had done bad, the shares was worthless and you`re getting bugger all. People who took EVR 2 weeks prior to the payout day where all paid in full. So in 2 weeks they went from being worth about £550 to £0.

RE: How do you feel about the privatisation of the Post Office?

Having been a postie for nearly 24 years, times are now looking grim. We have received a 3 year pay offer from management and this would be protected in the event of us being sold/floated. It does however come with strings attached.
I personally try and do the best job I can with the tools provided but we have a local management team who are useless, putting it mildly. A lot of us realise that change was needed but in all honesty, RM don`t give a toss about the customer. Alan Leighton and Adam Crozier set the company on the downward spiral but they got big pay offs and are now nowhere to be found.
It`s great having all these "free" shares but to be perfectly honest, I`d rather have a secure job for the next 20 years.

This item was edited on Thursday, 11th July 2013, 15:04

RE: Should ISPs block porn?

I kind of feel bad for linking the story because I didn`t want to feel like I`m grassing on somebody. But I felt absolute shock when I read his name and when this thread started it was my way, I suppose, of getting it off my chest as they are linked to some degree.
I do hope thou that he can get the help required and he can move on from this terrible situation.

RE: Should ISPs block porn?

After having met the man in the article and found quite a few of his posts to be quite witty, I was gob smacked to read it. It does go to show that you never can tell with some people.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 18th June 2013, 07:52

RE: Anyone want to see a taxi in a hole?

Now I recognise it, I haven`t been that way for a while.
I have a taxi driver live next to me and everytime he upgrades his taxi, within days he`s had a smash. He had a 10 plate mondeo last month and in 5 days his front driver side wing was crushed and his front bumper was hanging off. He doesn`t seem to have much luck , even though he is Irish.

RE: Anyone want to see a taxi in a hole?

Where abouts did this happen? I can`t think where it is.

RE: 3D Blu Ray disc recommendations please

Titanic is very good in 3D. I know it wasn`t originally shot that way but the conversion is spot on. Avengers also is a good example to show off too. And for nostalgia, try creature from the black lagoon.

RE: Tesco horse meat burgers, YUK !

Everyone is moaning about the Horsemeat in Tesco value burgers.
Seriously, you should try the value meatballs. They are the dogs bollox.

RE: National Lottery ticket price to double later in the year

I used to play until about 7 months ago. I played lotto and plus 5, and thunderball. I hadn`t won on lotto since December 2011 so decided the £6 a week on both games was getting to be wasted money (I had won about £35 on thunderball). I recently checked my lotto numbers and I still hadn`t won on lotto and the plus 5, so that`s over 370 draws and not one penny back.
I agree that people will still play regardless and by moaning that the higher prizes are falling, well it`s still better than nothing and to possibly get £50k for £2 is still a good deal. But you can`t please everybody and some of the moaning is down to the greed of today`s society.

RE: Euro lottery odds will now be impossible !

But the first draw on Tuesday is a whopping £85m. :o
It`s just pure greed on the lotterys part and it will go the same way as the normal lotto. More draws = less jackpot prize. I`m not trying to sound greedy but the lotto was more fun when it was just 1 draw per week.

RE: Alien Anthology Bluray set

Eh...Um.....Doh! :o

RE: Alien Anthology Bluray set

Can I go in your place ? ;)

RE: Need to sell house quickly to get the missus the new one she has seen!

Good luck in selling. I`m thinking of starting a new company which deals in buying houses at cheap prices and then flogging them for twice as much.
How`s this name for a site "" from £50 to £100 Grand.

Malcolm McClaren - R.I.P

Breaking news on BBC.

Nevermind the bollocks....

RE: Going to Wrexham for the first time ever this weekend....

Wrexham should be renamed Royston Varsey. ;)

RE: Playstation Network down, anyone else as cynical as me?

Is this an attempt by Japan to get the back at the world for it`s loss in WW2?
First we had Toyota with all those dodgy cars and now Sony. Next our TVs will start transmitting subliminal messages from GB to vote Labour in the election. :o

RE: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Any chance I can join in? My name is bear_attack.

RE: Richard Todd Dead

Was hoping to meet him a few weeks ago in Grantham. He was due to attend the unveiling of the last surving piece of a Dambuster Lancaster bomber but he was to ill to attend. Instead we met Eileen Albone who was Guy Gibsons driver whilst he was at RAF Scampton. The base from which 617 sqd took off from to bomb the dams.

RE: Sky Rainforest Appeal

Just recently I have been delivering Skys adverts for joining HD. They must run into the hundreds I deliver each month and that`s before the un-addressed leaflets they send out. I think you`ll find it`s more than 400,000 trees a year.

RE: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Count me in.Username is bear_attack

RE: Fuel prices..again!

Just over 12 months ago we was paying on average £1.18.9 per litre for petrol and £1.34.9 for diesel. This is when oil was $144 dollars per barrel and the $ to £ was $1.37.
Now oil is $75 dollars a barrel and the $ - £ is $1.66 we are not far off hitting that mark again.
When we complain the excuse is poor exchange rate and high oil prices. Now i`m starting to think that this country is having the p1$$ taken even more. I know that in the last 12 months we have had 6p added in tax (more again in January when VAT goes back up) and this hasn`t helped, but FFS this is now really getting out of control.
Protest and we get stopped from protesting, complain and we get the "not in our control" response from Government. We need fuel for our cars, the Government need TAX from the sales to stop this country going even more into debt so have they come into a joint plan with oil companies where they won`t add a windfall tax on them as long as they unjustifibly put up petrol and diesel prices so more VAT can be collected?

RE: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

I managed to get a copy from the usual sources. It`s good on campaign mode. There are some cracking weapons (sniper with thermal scope) and it`s a tad tricky. And before i get shot down for piracy, i have also ordered it for the PS3 as online is free and nearly all my online mates have one. Lets hope Argos can get me it on time.

RE: Oh good, another national postal strike

"FFS heard it all now - BBC News this morning. 30,000 extra staff have been posted in to sort mail in sorting offices, yet these staff cannot actually deliver any of the mail as this is seen as a skilled part of the process - what walking up to a door and posting a f***ing letter through a letterbox!
So the job that probably needs one iota of a brain cell - sorting letters - any Tom, Dick & harry can do?

I`d say f***ing sack the lot of em, plenty of people looking for work at the moment."

Don`t believe all what the media tell you. I went into work as normal yesterday because i value my job and don`t believe what the Union or Management say. In Leicestershire we had 1 in 3 come to work so for the union to say it was "solidly supported" is bull.
It may not be the brightest job in the world but it does pay well.
And as for the sorting side of things, you should see the wT[at]st we get as "casuals" at christmas. They don`t speaker da lingo and are taught to sort by mass postcode. So all London go in 1 place, all LE go here etc. The agency that are used for employing these casuals is the same one that Mrs Adam Crozier is associated with.
No doubt the 30k needed to clear the backlog is from the same place.All lining the pockets of the Crozier household.

RE: Up

Me and thevwife saw this in 3D and had to pay £2 extra compared to the normal price, but it was money well spent.
It was about 5 months after the US release that we got this in cinemas, and the fact that it`s coming out next month on DVD and is now available to D/L from the usual sources does take the p1ss a little.
I will buy this on bluray as I have a 4 year old who loves Disney films. I`m hoping that Disney don`t start releasing these again when 3D tv come next year.

RE: Oh good, another national postal strike

I have no idea what the extra mail points are.

RE: Oh good, another national postal strike

Absorbing is a situation of covering somebodys duty who is on the sick for free. Well that`s what it was meant to be. It`s actually a cheap option of leaving a duty un staffed each week and we Are all given the option to take a street or 1 bundle of mail. It was meant to be in the summer to allow for extra holiday to be opened up people to take but it`s now an excuse not to employ staff. That`s how it works in the delivery office where I work. We are short staffed by at least 5 people but this is a much cheaper option for management.

RE: Oh good, another national postal strike

I may be a postie but i`m also a customer. I have today gave notice to the CWU that i no longer wish to be a member. What "we" are striking over has already been adopted in my delivery office. It`s mainly London who have not changed for the last few years and now there trying to play catch up with the rest of the country and they don`t like it.
Some of the changes have been for the good but some are pathetic and cost more in the long run.
And yes, i will be a scab and cross the picket lines. We went on strike in `96 against a way of working called TEAMWORK, we went back after 8 days off and ended up doing it a year later. Our leader at the time is now the Home Secretary.
2 years ago was the last strike and the Union (Dave Ward and Billy Hayes) didn`t like ABSORBING. We was told by union and management it would be for 12 weeks over the summer period. When they signed the agreement, they forgot to get it clarified as to when it would be. We now ABSORB all year round.
I`m sorry if people are going to be affected but believe me, there won`t be that many people going on strike as the union think.