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Info and forum posts by 'PN'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 5th January 2001, 14:43, Last used: Friday, 5th January 2001, 14:43

Access Level: Competent

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 65 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: LG3350e -> Amp and Speakers

I want to know the answer to daveo original question, so bumping up the forum :)

RE: Essential DVDs in a collection

Das Boot (Director`s Cut)
A Bug`s Life (I know, I know, but what a fantastic picture you get)

RE: Who out there has the most DVDs?

Dunno, not me.
When you find out, the next thing you`ll want is their address ;)

RE: Question for people that have been `Stung` by Customs

A certain US retailer sent me a DVD today airmail with a customs label identifying the contents as CD-ROM, value $US10. The envelope had the name of a person on the front rather than a company as the sender.

Now that`s what I call creative!

RE: SCART cables..........R gold plated jobbies any better than normal ones ?

Hmm, I just bought an "oxygen-free", gold plated jobbie, but have gone back to S-video, and phono cables.

I saw no difference between the gold and the bog-standard SCART, both of which were inferior to S-video.

But then again, it does seem to be badly assembled and it`s going back to Maplin where I bought it (£15).

RE: IT Troll delivers: VCD playback on the LG DVD-3350E

I said:

>Is this tested with v1.4 firmware?

Croc said yes! Thanks.

I said:

>I`m a bit worried about the disclaimer. If I get the one of the buttons
>wrong is there a way of doing a reset to "as shipped"?

And it was all very quiet!

I said:

>Can u give me any advice on how to transfer home video Hi-8 onto Cds?

And ITTroll gave me an excellent link thanks.

So how about somebody filling in the gap;-)

RE: IT Troll delivers: VCD playback on the LG DVD-3350E

Excellent news. Thanks.

A couple of questions:

Is this tested with v1.4 firmware?
I`m a bit worried about the disclaimer. If I get the one of the buttons wrong is there a way of doing a reset to "as shipped"?
Can u give me any advice on how to transfer home video Hi-8 onto Cds? What software and hardware would I need on my PC, aside from a CD writer?


RE: Toshiba 28wd98b


I bought the TOSHIBA 28W8DB (the pro-logic version) with the "luxury" stand (Toshiba ship 2, one with glass door, 1 without) for £469. I didn`t think the slightly flatter screen and higher refresh rate were worth paying all that extra for, and figured that when I wanted Dolby digital I`d buy a separate amp and speakers.

RE: Newbie question - 2:35.1 format etc.....

I have a 28" Toshiba widescreen TV. One of the screen modes is "Cinema" which gets rid of any letterboxing on 2.35:1. It works pretty well. I`ve watched Jaws using this mode and widescreen with a letterbox, and preferred the "Cinema" mode although I lost a tiny part of the top and the bottom of the image.

RE: Owners of 1.4 firmware model 3350`s....>>

You now have my S/N too for comparison. Just sent before this post, and I realised that `PN` and my email address don`t bear any resembalnace to one another!

I understand why you want this, and how you you are looking into enabling VCD, but why? What is the advantage of having VCD? I noticed that HK DVDs are often available very cheaply in VCD format, but what is the quality like?

I have tried the hack and got the COdE message. I tried to set the region to 1, but it still played my R2 disks OK. Borrowing an R1 next week to try this out properly.

RE: Please Mr. Dabs, are we nearly there yet???

daveo said:

>>Those that do receive a player can you give performance feedback, i.e. firmware, drive noise etc etc

Well I`ve never seen a DVD player before so nothing to compare it with but so far very impressed. Using s-video and audio out to drive a pro-logic widescreen TV. Much crisper (less colour bleed, less garish) than the SCART output.

Didn`t hear any drive noise, but I have player in glass cabinet and tend to sit quite a way from the screen.

Firmware is 1.4, multi region hack is accepted, but I have no non-Region 2 disks to test it with. I tried to set it to region 1 and then see if it would reject my region 2`s but it didn`t. Will be borrowing a region 1 Gladiator soon for further testing.

Audio CDs sound good too, I don`t own any MP3 yet. A screen saver would have been good when playing the audio CDs through the TV.

Only gripe so far is that the factory default output is composite (SCART), but it doesn`t ship with a SCART cable so you need one to be able to see the setup menu that allows you to use s-video output. An s-video cable is supplied! And after lots of plugging and unplugging of power, it was diappointing that it reset to composite just after I`d tidied everything up and pushed the TV/stand back into the corner of the room.

RE: Switch off your DVD, put on your coat...

When I started this thread, I had no idea that the board was frequented by connisoeurs (spelling?) of the martial arts film genre.

Before I saw CTHD I had NEVER watched a martial arts film. The nearest I suppose would be the Kung Fu (Carradine?) TV series.

So when I recommended it, it wasn`t as a good martial arts film, it was a good film. It`s a good plot, the setting is unusual (for somebody who doesn`t watch MA), it`s not hyped by hollywood `superstar` actors or pompous popstar soundtracks.

And as for the fight scenes, they fitted into the plot (rather than the plot fitting into the fight scenes), and I thought the special effects were AMAZING. Yes, you had to suspend belief, but I never got the `wire dragging` impression described earlier, I thought it was a clever way of showing that the fliers were slightly out of control, especially as they headed towards the surfaces of water.

RE: Please Mr. Dabs, are we nearly there yet???

Just got an email from Dabs timed at 18:05. Parcel force have collected mine from them and will be delivering `next working day`. Oh the agony, does that mean Monday?

Ordered on 4th Jan in case anybody wants to use that as evidence against them.

Also the email asked me to fill in a feedback form with a big box that`s completely free format! Think I`ll wait until it actually arrives (and works) before I fill it in!

RE: Please Mr. Dabs, are we nearly there yet???

Croc said:

>>I have just checked my order on line and it says COMPLETED. The info window states that it has been dispatched.

Hmm, try clicking on the order number and see what it says. On mine it says `Awaiting Despatch` despite saying `Completed` on the main screen.

So Dabs have more than 1 version of the truth AGAIN. No doubt this is an excuse for them to take my money without actually sending me the goods.

RE: Switch off your DVD, put on your coat...

I guess this disclosure of your ethnicity helps me understand how you can use some of the sites mentioned to order CTHD.

Frankly, they are all Greek to me ;-) And I`m reluctant to accept a 35 minute Traditional Chinese Text support download just to discover that I won`t be able to interact with the sites anyway.

Are there any sites that I can visit that will allow me to use English to order CTHD (he asks shame-faced)?

This item was edited on Thursday, 1st February 2001, 07:45

RE: Please Mr. Dabs, are we nearly there yet???


ditto to everything you have just said. Apart from the fact that I ordered mine on 4th and bought the DVDs for myself rather than receiving them as presents!

Multi-region DVD/CD-R/CD-RW/VCD/MP3 player for £135

Never heard of it `Cyberhome`?, never used the site before but here`s a link.

But let`s hope the player is nothing to do with this guy

This item was edited on Tuesday, 30th January 2001, 17:42

RE: Switch off your DVD, put on your coat...

Thanks Blazingmonga for the recommendation. I`ll definitely follow this up.

I`ve never seen the Matrix, but somebody I know who`s seen it and CTHD and didn`t know the link beteween the two, tried to describe the effects in CTHD by comparing them with Matrix. He was much more impressed by CTHD which presumably had a lower budget.

RE: Switch off your DVD, put on your coat...

yangshouwen, Thanks for that. Not sceptical, just curious. I`m new to DVD, so new that I`m still waiting for my player to arrive!

I`m not an officianado of martial arts films, so I don`t know how CTHD compares with them. I`ve no idea how the special effects compare with typical MA films, and I don`t know whether they have such a strong storyline, or whether they have weak plots that just join great fight scenes together.

Are there any more you can recommend that are in the style of CTHD?

RE: Switch off your DVD, put on your coat...

>>Is very good, but I sat in my lounge and enjoyed it in my own home.

How? Is it available on DVD? Where from?

LG3350 now in Dabs top ten...

...Strange since to my knowledge they haven`t shipped any since at least the 2nd January.

For those that still waiting, site is now saying 3-4 days.

Switch off your DVD, put on your coat...

...and get down to the conema to see

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Saw it today, and it is best film I`ve seen in years. Combination of a love story, morality tale, martial arts and fairy tale. No hollywood superstar`s ego to massage, no crass music to justify the spend on commissioning a "pop star", no storyline to fit round the special effects.

Just perfect.

RE: One for all

Bear said


Thanks for the advice, but it`s actually

RE: Recordable dvd players coming out?

I heard a similar date. The technology is there already, they just want to launch in the 3 months before Xmas.

Price range 1100-1400 apparently, and about £700 for a drive and software for the PC.

I`ve not seen any pricing info on the blank discs though, or whether they`ll be DVD-R or DVD-RW.

RE: 3 for £40 at WHSmith

lips said:

>>A good deal if you are new to the world of DVD`s,otherwise a very poor selection online or not. That`s my view -"happy hunting"

Well I am very new to DVDs and I thought it was good deal in store where it wasn`t just restricted to the 50 titles on the web site. It included practically everything in the top 10 except Gladiator and some classics like Jaws, Jurassic Park.

This item was edited on Saturday, 27th January 2001, 00:02

RE: PC World but 2 get 1 free

W.H Smith are doing 3 DVDs for £40 which is Buy 2 Get 1 Free in my money. The only restriction is that every CD must normally be less than £20 and includes all the CDs in their shops.

Example. I got Jurassic Park (WS), Bug`s Life, Das Boot (DC), Shakespeare in Love (WS), Jaws (Anniversary), and Tweenies for £80. Each was normally £19.99 except Tweenies at £16.99.

RE: LG 3350 - Advice Needed!

>I ordered mine on the 6th, I have noticed that Dabs have updated the >web site now says less than one week. Better than the 1-3 days it has >stated for the last 3 weeks !

I`ve got a horrible feeling this is bad news. There`s more than 50% probability that less than 1 week is longer than 1-3 days!

I contacted them today for an update. The last time I asked they said 01 Feb, this time they said "early February".

Also the site used to say how many would be in stock when they got a delivery. This suggests that they knew how many were being delivered, subtracted the number of orders and got 6. Now they don`t to commit to any numbers.

Conclusion: They don`t know when and they don`t know how many.

Please keep me posted Croc if you get any update.

This item was edited on Friday, 26th January 2001, 23:34


When I asked this question a few weeks ago, following up with looking at some reviews and trying out an LG3200e, I chose the LG3350e. But I don`t have it because like you I have only £200 which means that I ordered from Dabs for £189. It`s starting reappearing in the high street (Currys) in the last week at £250 but Dabs still have none. A couple of weeks ago they said 01 Feb, now they say early February. Dabs must send their sales force on special courses to learn how to use weasel words like that.

If you`re not bothered about digital/DTS decoder on board, MP3 capability, then I`d say take a look at the LG3200e around £169-£179 on the high street (£149 on Dabs but also none in stock, and nowhere on Tottenham Court Road I discovered on Tuesday).

RE: LG 3350 - Advice Needed!

croc, I ordered mine 4 Jan, still no show. when did you order yours?

Someone else posted that they ordered theirs on the 2nd and got it on the 12th.

RE: Buying a player TOMORROW - can`t wait; which one?

Currys in Leed where I live now have them too. If Dabs let me down (again) next week with their expected 01 Feb delivery, I might have to negotiate.

Anyway thread originator (cluney was it?) what did you buy, where did you buy it, and how much did you pay?

Or r u too busy trying it out to be bothered to read stuff like this?