Info and forum posts by 'ella'

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Joined on: Friday, 8th April 2005, 12:09, Last used: Friday, 30th August 2013, 17:19

Access Level: Elite

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This user has posted a total of 65 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.06 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: [VIDEO] The Dissappearance of Madeleine McCann

WellI hope and pray that lovely girl is well and she will see this and escape and this overwhelming nightmare is over. 😇 I will pray for her .

RE: [VIDEO] The Dissappearance of Madeleine McCann

I remember when that happened , but I don’t recall it resolved.How could they make a film when it isn’t resolved?,,Poor parents and family to go over n over the pain of this nightmare. Or did I missed a happy ending?

RE: rip Luke Perry (stroke)

When I first heard he is in hospital, stroke I thought it was odd , later to see he died was a bit sad he appeared to me as a gentleman with a quiet soul. May he Rest In Peace Luke❤️

RE: Cold Pursuit

I saw it over a week ago I love Liam Neeson excellent actor great personality.Dont know him personally but I admire his works. I also saw the widows good film. But Cold Puruit was a bit much in the killing and indifference
towards humanity not so much ina story line, just killing. He always delivers a good performance. I personally didn’t care for this film nothing against Mr Neeson at all. He is a good actor hope he is offer a better story film .Looking forward for a great epic for him!! I hope you film writers take note!!!

RE: Crazy weather

Happy Birthday Mike , most of the times I am cold , but I do agree with you so far New Jersey has had a mild winter.
But my allergies have been bad running
nose a bit wheezing. Oh well baking apple pie dessert homemade mmmm.

RE: Davey Jones has died.

No no not Davy Jones died a few yrs ago. It was the other monkey that diedPeter Tork

This item was edited on Thursday, 21st February 2019, 23:08

RE: [VIDEO] Aladdin

Sorry but I love the first one ☝️ and only one with Robin Williams Amen!

RE: Need Opinions

Thank you got it 😉

Need Opinions

Ok it’s a question about google account is it safe to open an account ? If so which one? Plus I heard google was shutting down but don’t know which one? Need your experience opinions 🤓

RE: Albert Finney has died

Ohhhh like that gent May he Rest In Peace 🙏🌹

RE: Okay here it is

I guess I just don’t send pics, thank you

This item was edited on Monday, 4th February 2019, 16:03

RE: Okay here it is

Bandicoot forget it it didn’t appear like yours at all

RE: Okay here it is

Ok I failed again so I deleted

Okay here it is

I hope it works. No

This item was edited on Monday, 4th February 2019, 15:29

Reminder: How to post photos

I hate to say how dumb I am when it comes to posting photos here from my apple phone. Please tell me in steps how to and please understand how old I am.
Pity this olde Lady and put instructions easy to understand. 🙏 thank you

RE: Snow Watch 2019

We had a bit snow flurries yesterday
Now as I type it’s eleven degrees here
In lovely Jackson, New Jersey 🥶

RE: [VIDEO] The Trump Presidency

I wish I want I can’t
I am I need I have
I love I will I never
Know. So much for All
A universal cry 😢

RE: Happy New Year

I went to bed n woke up with acid reflux took a pepsin pill , all good no hangover tummy good just had me cafe n biscottis I baked mmmmm , wish everyone a great New Year 🍷

RE: Happy New Year

Happy New Year 🎈🎊🎆 to all

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas 🎁 n a Happy
New Year🎆 Miss our chats , a bit busy this year hope for a better health for the New Year to all n including moi!! Byyyee 😜

RE: Benefits of online dating

Well I’m married we just celebrated 40yrs anniversary., but I have friends that were divorced or widowed and they went online and did pretty good meetings .However there was one of my husband friend who went online with a gold digger sadly things didn’t worked out at all. You could say she took him to the cleaners. I think go slow and ask some questions and see how that person responds.Good Luck !

RE: [VIDEO] The Trump Presidency

All that I wonder what are they going to do with all that information mmm?Any bets?

RE: Trouble with Gmail

Ok glad it’s resolved. Bandicoot email me

Christmas Shoppers

Shoppers are we done with shopping?”I think I am done. , but you never know. You know last minute omg I have to get this or that.Most of my shopping was done online and I said a few years ago me order online never. But did some shopping with my favorites stores not bad if you ask me. But I also went to the stores love to walk around check out their specials. But I don’t miss standing on lines .

This item was edited on Thursday, 29th November 2018, 00:01

RE: Trouble with Gmail
Maybe you need to update your information data

RE: Trouble with Gmail

Do they have a customer calling number?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 28th November 2018, 22:50

RE: Scrubs Season 9???

Yes I totally agree I miss Scrubs one of the best on tv. When I worked in hospital some of the doctors would laugh so hard we had to grab pillows to cover down the loud laughing.

Happy Thanksgiving

To my friends across the ocean wishing all Thanksgiving for allowing me being here sharing our stories and tears laughter n so forth. From Millie n family
Love n joy, Have a Happy Thanksgiving 🍁

RE: [VIDEO] The Trump Presidency

I just wish they move a bit faster and get this horrible person out out site. This has been the worst nightmare in America.