Info and forum posts by 'jaxon'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 12th December 2000, 01:27, Last used: Tuesday, 12th December 2000, 01:27

Access Level: Competent

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 58 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Who`s the greatest, Pacino or De Niro?

For me, it would have to be De Niro. Although I always suprised at how many totally naff movies he has put his name to. Its weird, you wouldn`t think he would need to bother, but his best is incredible.
However, Pacino is also a great actor and its a pity that he has always been overshadowed by de Niro.

RE: Pirate dvds

The other day I borrowed Crouching Tiger, Get Carter, Vertical Limit and Charlies Angels. The answer is "don`t bother" as, they look the part, but were all poor quality and not worth buying.

RE: Fight Club:R1 or R2?

Region 1 or 2, whichever one you go for, it will always be the best film in your collection. UNTOUCHABLE !


When I noticed 15+ replies i thought the thread had been hijacked for the usual girly bitching that ruins a lot of subjects in the forum. So it was a nice surprise to read through the varying comments, and its interesting division of opinion.

The standard of acting seems to get mentioned often and I totally agree the acting was stunning (not just Cruise), the photography and direction was also first class. But for me, that was the agony. Everything looked very promising for the first 30 minutes, lots of twisting and character building. Then another two hours or so later you are totally perplexed, but still anticipating a stunning ending that linked everything together, making it all worthwhile ...FANTASIC...Come on whats going to happen ? It rains frogs and ends. AARRRGGHH 3 hours ! ! " Kick the TV in !"

But "alls well that ends well" my friend who suggested I watched it is out of hospital now, having had Magnolia successfully removed from his colon. And all I would like to say is fair play to all you guys that enjoyed it, each to their own. But for me the connection / point of this film might just have well as been something like..."Well they all had dark hair" or they all wore Levi 501`s" Im afraid I need more to tax my mind.

All the Best.

P.S. And yes, American Beauty is a masterpiece.


HHMMMMM, Just Curious.......

Is anyone thinking of splashing out £400 and getting a dvd recorder, or are you all put off by the media costing £15 each and upwards ?

Has anybody spotted lower priced discs anywhere ?
Any comments on the differing formats, the compatibility and pitfalls. Which is better and what is likely to become the industry standard ?

Come on all you techies.

This item was edited on Friday, 6th April 2001, 01:33

RE: Scan SC2000, Hitachi 505x, Daewoo DHC2200 and Grundig GDV130 owners, customise your firmware!!!

I have a spare Daewoo DHC2200 that could be used as a guinea pig.
If this would help please reply through the forum and I will e mail you.




Bingo ! This is what is happening to me at the moment. I signed up for Surftime, and they suggested i used Freeserve, Freeserve then supplied the 0844 (Free) number and i thought excellent.
That is, until my first bill arrived for £149 ! So the current situation is of BT and Freeserve blaming eachother with me being "piggy in the middle."
BT are claiming that my dial up number of 0844 is being defaulted to 0845 which is chargable !
Thereafter, I am trying to get some sense out of the clowns at BT who are totally useless. Apparently they are going to contact me in writing within 14 days (Why dont they just call me?) Which will be interesting, but they have more chance of seeing Jesus than getting me to pay up.

Thanks everyone for the posts.

MONTY PYTHON . . . . . . .What say you ? ?

I read through the "I hate Star Wars" posts and was amused the comments. It doesnt do anything for me either.

However, I thought I would post a "PYTHON" thread to see what people thought of Monty Python and spin offs like Fawlty Towers and Ripping Yarns etc. What did you think of the series and the films "Holy Grail" and "Life of Brian ?"

Was it the best humour the world has ever seen ? I believe it was, especially considering that, without Python there would never have been shows like The Young ones, Absolutely, Brass Eye, Trigger Happy etc.

Come on.

p.s. FACT : The Emperor from Gladiator was actually in life of Brian.
"Welease Woger"


Sorry for this being slightly off topic, but I would just like to know if anyone is experiencing problems with this package. Such as being charged for internet access (off peak) when it should be included in the monthly subscription. Please let me know.



RE: Has anybody used Tower Records

Yes, I purchased a TOOL (Rock Band) DVD/Cd at Christmas time
from Tower Records USA. I got it in about 10 days. Very pleased.
No problems.

Good luck.


"AII Subjective".....AGREED.

But, Jesus the most overated film must be Gladiator. Okay, the opening scenes were very, very good. But that all gave way to a really weak
and predictable cliche revenge storyline, with a pansy Roman ruler who was about as threatening and ruthless as Graham Norton !
Julius would be turning in his grave.
It was agonisingly long, and the digital effects although clever appeared, !
A great shame because the hype was amazing and the trailers looked
good but it was lame. The most succesful movie award, yes. The best
movie, no. Although I suppose there wasnt any competition.
All the Best.

RE: Varying picture quality from disk to disk, any answers ?

"Interesting reading"
Mainly due to the fact of the immense coverage within this forum regarding "pixellation" problems.
I own a machine with an ESS chipset which is supposed to be the worst offender and even after reading many opinions it has never made any sense.

The pixellation on some films such as Fight Club, War Zone, Magnolia etc is horrendous. Whereas Austin Powers, Terminator 2 and Way of the Gun is faultless. I find this dissapointing because all you can do is hope the next dvd you buy is well produced and when it isn`t you wish you hadn`t have bothered !
But it does make a total mockery of all the people who continually slag other peoples machines because it is not the machines,but disc quality.

RE: What TV series would you like to see released on DVD ?

OOPS ! Correct, thanks. Jesus, I must stop snorting this stuff.

Yes "BRASS-EYE" and not "BASS EYE" which is more kind of.....
well fishy like. I would also like to see JIM on dvd, sorry JAM the
other bizzarre Christopher Morrison series. Hic.

Cheersbye !

RE: What TV series would you like to see released on DVD ?

BASSEYE / Christopher Morris (Channel 4)

Outrageously funny sketch show that was banned by Michael Grade.
I watched them all but never recorded them, but would love to see them

RE: lf you like prison movies....

How did he stick the poster back up from inside the tunnel ? ? ?

Otherwise i think it was an okay film.


My best mate purchased the Magnolia Double DVD and raved on about it for weeks, he said it was a thinkers film and I would love it, even though it was 3 hours long !
So he lent it me and i watched it on Sunday, and ...............................jesus ! It was agony, am i to believe that the sole point of this film was that each of the many characters were all going through a dilemma simultainiously! WAS THAT THE POINT ?
Unless anyone can enlighten me, I must say that was the biggest pile of poo I have ever, ever seen. Any comments ?

RE: Who is your fave actress

Yes Tom Cruise (Totally agree with your points)
But also.......

Brad Pitt (Superb actor and temperament)
Christopher Walken
Ed Norton (Up and coming)
Ray Winstone (Somewhat typecast but always 100%)

..and Mathew Marsden (Biased because he is a good mate ! Check the new Ridley scott film "BLACK HAWK DOWN" Release date Nov 2001)

RE: Whats The Best Region 1 supiler on the net? DVDBOXOFFICE........PLAY247?

If you are patient DVD box office
If you are impatient Play 247

Both are good !

All the best.

RE: Whats the best dvd you got or seen???

I dont even need to think about that one.
Its FIGHT CLUB anyday !


A SNAILS PACE 16 dayzzzzzzzz ! Will use 247 in future.

RE: Aldi medion price differences

Dont be so tight, for another seventy five pounds you could get yourself
a really amazing machine. It is called a Scan 2000 you can see their ad banner on this smashing site !

No problem, Your Very Very Welcome.

Mr Bessmerknyick

RE: Well, here`s the BBFC answer to whether I can or cannot sell R1 titles through the business..

Or the big retailers drop the prices for a period long enough to
starve small companies out of business.
Just like PC World (Currys) Time, Tiny e.t.c did on independant computer retailers.

Which is why the net is so good for forcing the greedy corporations
to be competetive. So more power to the small "Genuine" net dealers
that have very limited overheads and provide a good price and service.

It is just a pity we cannot get things like petrol this way. Oh well.


Please could somebody tell me if the Tesco LG3000 is a re-baged
Scan. If so does it have the same features ? (Macro off, MP3 e.t.c)

I dont think it is but could someone confirm. Thank you.



If so, will someone who has bought one tell me if it has the same
specifications. (same hack) i.e. Multi region, Macro off, MP3 etc.


RE: Nelley from Scan - Look in here please!

I wasn`t actually referring to you, but fair play if you are taking the blame.

The Saint

RE: SCAN SC2000 macro disablement

How do you compare the Scan to the Daewoo ?
i.e. Picture Quality (Pixellation) Sound e.t.c.

Any good ? Please let me know.


RE: Nelley from Scan - Look in here please!

4 Pages ! This is a really interesting thread. Interesting in as much that you can get a real accurate idea of what kind of people or "Sad Gits" are
beginning the (Boring Yawn) brand slagging.

I mean, take a look through the banter and just check the spelling !
It must be a p*** take. So please girls, and you know who you are.......
...STOP WATCHING FILMS ALL DAY ! Get yourself a nice little job and
pay for a English night-school course and learn how to spell.
"Or iz there a commun link bitween dijitul virsatile disk and dislexia ?"


RE: Scan Firmware download area.

Well spotted, helpful. Cheers.


If you contact Daewoo and tell them about the poor picture quality they will send you a replacement machine. But before you get excited, it isnt that much better actually. Just a firmware upgrade, so get yourself a refund if you can. ATB. Jaxon


You need to go into the service menu and select "Bypass." This will then play anything. You also may want to call Daewoo and get them to send you a new machine, "free of charge" because the picture quality has been improved !

All the best.
