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Info and forum posts by 'partridge'

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Richard Hawley

A big talent and the bloke`s got a fantastic voice. Influences include the likes of Johnny Cash, Harry Nilsson and Scott Walker.
Video for Just Like The Rain.

RE: The Cure play at Royal Albert Hall 01/04/06

All sold out. I tried ordering immediately after they went on general sale - ticketmaster just after 9, and then several other ticket agents at 10 and only managed to book one ticket in total, which I tried unsuccessfully to cancel so will either go on my own or sell at face value on ebay where they`ve already started showing up. No doubt they`ll be loads more over the next month or so.

I`ve got other gigs lined up so even if I don`t go it`s not too big a deal.

EDIT: It`s good to moan - it`s therapeutic and it got me the other 2 tickets I was after as a lot of the ebay tickets (52 listings when I last looked) are being pulled by the ticket agents and being put back on the market. Good job bob! Thanks.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 14th February 2006, 23:13

RE: The Cure play at Royal Albert Hall 01/04/06

Thanks, I`m definitely tempted and will probably order some tickets tonight. Anyone know what the lineup will be?

EDIT: Just tried to order some and there aren`t any groups of 2 tickets available in any of the sections, and I wanted 3 so won`t be going.
Cheers anyway.

This item was edited on Monday, 13th February 2006, 13:27

RE: Another busy day for us Spurs fans...

Cheers for selling us your second team!

Play up Pompey!

Just been watching video clips of one of our latest signings, D`Alessandro. `Kinell!! This guy is class!

Looking forward to Match Of The Day tonight. Looks as though Spurs ploy of selling a big chunk of their talent to fund a move for Torres has failed to pay off. ;)

RE: My new favourite band

One more plug for my favourite band 16 Horsepower, who`ve just released a new 2-disc live dvd.

A few gems.
The Partisan - epic cover of Leonard Cohen`s adaptation of a WWII French Resistance song.
Black Soul Choir - nasty, old-school Christianity and impressive stop-start animation in this video from The Quay Brothers, who worked on Peter Gabriel`s Sledgehammer video.
Black Bush
Horse Head Fiddle

Agreed Neil (matey boy! :) )

"Shall I run the taps or will you do it, Neil?"
"I`ll do it, my little dragon, and don`t forget your violin bow and the hot sauce!" ;)

This item was edited on Thursday, 26th January 2006, 00:00

RE: Are you darksiiiiiiiiiiiided???

More bible thumping tonight in the form of documentary "Searching For The Wrong-Eyed Jesus" on BBC2 (11.20pm-12.45am).

...and some funny lyrics - God Is In The House (on 2nd album from bottom).

RE: Arcade Fire CD

Yep, terrific album with great songs throughout, and their live performances have loads of energy, although as Ben pointed out they`re not everyone`s cup of tea.

There`s plenty of top live stuff available via the official fansite, which will need registering but it`s well worth it if you like the album.

Stripped-down studio session on KCRW here.


I do the competitions cos I want some money. Remember the Smeg fridge? Not to mention the 10 football t/shirts with ten baseball caps, ten whistles, ten badges and ten flags and a football table game thing.

Bats - two really good competition sites, if you don`t already visit them, are Loquax and Prize Finder. I`ve become hooked on entering online competitions in the last 6 months, winning a fair amount of stuff such as dvd`s, books, theatre tickets, a graphics card and a poker set - nothing big yet, but there are a lot of decent prizes to be won, and it`s a breeze with RoboForm which saves you having to repetitively type in your details.

RE: Kennedy calls leadership election

This thread is GREAT!!! I just thought I`d pop in to see people`s views on a new Lib Dem leader - but it`s turned into something far more interesting.... :D

Yeah there`s been some good laffs here - an entertaining way to pass a bit of time before "le footy" starts. :D

RE: Kennedy calls leadership election

* Sigh * It`s political correctness gone mad I tell ya. Where`s the rights to exercise freedom of speech? :D

RE: Jed Maxwell

Can't resist poking my nose in here…
OK Alan mate - Sue here - not sure this is a proper use of work time (yours I mean as I`ve aleady finished for the day). How weird - you and my mate Neil being big mates

If only she'd seen some of the heated exchanges…talking of which, with this newly formed mateyness, does this mean they'll stop?! :( :p ;)

RE: Robert Farnon RIP

And being a laydee this time around.

Well it`s definitely not me, in case you were wondering, which I`m sure you were. :p :)

RE: Been caught by a speed camera.What to do?

How strange. No sarcastic sanctimonious do-gooder hasn`t been along yet to say `How about not speeding in the first place`.

Won`t be long surely...

Heh...looks as though a few feathers have been ruffled going by your comments and one or two others in this thread.
Nice try at the stereotyping...completely wrong though as your targets on this board are just non-bigoted ordinary folk.

I`ll leave you with a great quote from Kang:
No - but I am capable of reading not just the news headlines but the facts behind them and then making up my own mind. Not all of us prop up the saloon bar and confuse the prejudices aired there as valid opinion.

What a cracker! :D

This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th December 2005, 08:35

RE: The official DVD Reviewer

What irritates me when these news items appear is that some sections of the media pounce on the opportunity to knock "political correctness", which as many journalists fail to point out, is all-encompassing and involves some substantial, beneficial issues - a few current ones being the "kick racism out of football" initiative (putting a lot of pressure on national football associations and clubs throughout Europe to curb racism), and civil partnerships between gay couples. When used negatively, "political correctness" is a smokescreen term; when journalists mock it, whether they realise it or not, they're also taking a swipe at the type of issues that I've just mentioned - they should clarify their intentions by reporting these acts as being over-zealous bureaucracy rather than "political correctness".

Regarding the religious traditions/festivities articles, hopefully most/all of it will sort itself out: the stories get reported in the local media and often national media also, which in turn puts pressure on bureaucrats to be more vigilant in future.

RE: The official DVD Reviewer

Have to admit I'm a bit baffled at how the idiotic bureaucratic decisions mentioned in this thread are referred to as political correctness, which has everything to do with ironing out inequalities in society and little to do with creating them. Banning any aspects of festive behaviour of only one particular religion creates inequalities rather than correcting them.

On the subject of political correctness, I doubt there's many liberally minded people who are offended in any way great way by issues such as people of "mixed-race" being referred to as "black", which I often do myself. Personally I'm concerned with more significant, weightier issues such as racial and homophobic abuse, as ntg has stated, the latter which should be brought in line with racial abuse and made punishable by law.

Interesting article here (from a paper I don't read) on political correctness, which advocates getting rid of the term altogether.
It took a petition signed by nearly all the Muslims in Wolverhampton for the council to have the words merry Christmas re-instated in to the lights display in the city centre, and thankfully they succeeded.

Personally, if I felt so strongly about these issues, I'd actively get involved in petitions/protests rather than give my support to a fascist political party, which only stokes the fire even more, but yeah, I agree that a lot of these bureacratic decisions are ridiculous.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 6th December 2005, 22:16

RE: Can`t be bothered to wait for Pirates of the Carribean 2?! (NSFW - Adult)

Ahhh touchee partridge. I was trying to be subtle and request more details on how such an activity is done (email is a very clever tool) but it looks like you have blown it now

Click on someone`s username...ahhh, what`s that mailbox icon beside the username?! that would`ve been a far more subtle approach imho. ;)

RE: Can`t be bothered to wait for Pirates of the Carribean 2?! (NSFW - Adult)

Bezza, Ben was really ain`t the sharpest tool in the box. ;)

RE: The Steven Seagull Movie Generator...

Executive Kill

Steven Seagal, Morris Chestnut and William Sadler

Plot Summary:
Steven Seagal is a retired Navy Seal Ninja Chef who needs to stop a traitorous Navy officer (played by William Sadler ) from hijacking a train .

Seagal is joined by a Monk (played by Morris Chestnut ). With the odds against them, can they prevent William Sadler from fleeing the country ?

RE: Godfather Trilogy (5 disk W/S boxset) - £12.99

Couldn`t resist it at that price - that`s one christmas present taken care of. Thanks pavlovspooch, and BassmanUK for the £2 voucher link.

RE: MOBO Award !

There`ll probably never be total integration...having some cultural differences is beneficial imo (adds to the diversity), as long as those differences are respected.

RE: MOBO Award !

Is their a MOWO award ?

Nah don`t be silly that`ll be seen as racist ;)

Doubt it, some things aren`t significant enough to be worth worrying about imo, like the `offence` caused by blackboards - hardly inflammatory issues.

RE: Antony and the Johnsons

A and the Js? Look - the emperor`s got no clothes on.....! ;)

You know where you can stick your opinion?! :p ;)
I`ve had the album for nearly 6 months now (ordered from US) and it`s a real grower. Great voice and beautiful songs - I much prefer listening to them than the usual load of chart dross.

RE: Can anyone recommend some dirt cheap PC speakers?

You`re thinking of the Labtecs from ebuyer. They`re no longer selling the same model which I bought (Labtec Pulse 375s) but they are selling its replacement - Labtec Pulse 385s which are a bit more expensive and also there isn`t free delivery with them...they`re just over £18 in all (£5 for delivery).
There`s a few other models worth considering, though, such as the Logitech S200s at just over a pound more which are probably a better option, even though the ones I got were decent enough, especially for the price.

Not really dirt cheap, but I don`t think there`s any other online retailers selling half-decent 2.1s cheaper, unless anyone else knows otherwise.
You might want to consider buying from a local computer shop, perhaps cheaper and obviously much quicker.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 21st September 2005, 10:05

RE: Annoying sayings !!!

"To cut a long story short"...often when I hear this I think, "well, thank f*** for that". :D

RE: Antony and the Johnsons

It took me a few listens to get used to his voice, but after that I really started liking the album a lot - I now consider it among the best albums I`ve bought this year, and it`s a nice change to hear something so very different.

RE: Site changes imminent

Quickest way to top of the page is the Home key on your keyb.

What about ergonomics? you`ve gotta move your arm to do that. :p

RE: Kanye West doesn`t care about white people

Both of us were wrong in not knowing that each photo was taken by 2 different people so admittedly this issue becomes a matter of speculation and not fact, but there`s still a few things worth considering:

Caption accompanying the photo of the 2 white residents:
"Two residents wade through chest-deep water after finding bread and soda from a local grocery store". unless the caption was badly worded, something which shouldn't be totally discounted, the true meaning is that the items were taken from the confines of the shop i.e. looted, and therefore the description of `finding` is technically incorrect in this case...being toned down.

In comparison, the description accompanying the photo of the black man with his groceries is technically correct i.e. looting, so that description hasn't been toned down, although I accept that there`s a major flaw here when making this comparison in that 2 different people produced the photos/captions, so this comparison is a matter of speculation.
It`s worth considering, though, that describing the act of taking perishable goods needed for survival in a desperate situation whilst wading chest-deep in water as looting appears to be harsh; the choice of words can be attributed to:
1. Conscious discrimination.
2. Subconscious racial stereotyping.
3. Neither of the above, just irresponsible journalism.
So at best it's irresponsible journalism, at worst conscious discrimination, and it's worth remembering the power and influence of the media on peoples' opinions.

Whilst I find Kanye West's comments unacceptable and undeniably racist, the trigger of his comments appears to be frustration, unlike many/most other racist remarks.
The comments of a bystander to the 'looting':
"To be honest with you, people who are oppressed all their lives, man, it`s an opportunity to get back at society,"… I may well be wrong, but to me this quote also provides significant insight into what triggered Kanye West's racist comments.
I think it's also worth thinking about the strength of feeling in the comments quoted in my previous post - including the one from someone leaving America because of perceived double standards; whether those feelings are justified or not, I think it does give some indication of the strength of Kanye West's frustration.

Anyway, I think I've had enough seriousness for one week, plus I've always hated writing boring essays, so I'll make this my last post on this subject. definition of From
Used to indicate a specified place or time as a starting point: walked home from the station; from six o`clock on. definition of Loot
1 : to rob esp. during or following a catastrophe (as war, riot, or natural disaster)
Compare this with the other caption relating to the black man which is technically correct i.e. looting.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th September 2005, 13:06

RE: Kanye West doesn`t care about white people

I hate the way they portray us in the media.
You see a black family, it says, `They`re
looting.` You see a white family, it says,
`They`re looking for food.
- Kanye West

A post from another forum:

"I saw this on another site this afternoon ... made me real angry:

The following are two pictures detailing events in New Orleans.

Now read the captions for both pictures and note the difference in the description of how the white couple obtained their goods and how the black boy did..."

One of the photos and its caption has since been removed. A few follow-ups:
"However, the difference in the captions were kinda provocing. How come white people "find" and black people "loot"?"

"Oh yeah I saw those articles and the `find` l`loot` definitions. It makes me sick to my stomach that in 2005 we still are witness to this kind of blatent biggotry."

"That`s why I hate the US and that`s why I left. Double standard double standard everything for them over there is an overt double standard. This is why I left New York cause it is still the United States."

There`s also several other comments from Americans acknowledging racism in their media. Link: