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Info and forum posts by 'wizzy'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 20th March 2003, 11:37, Last used: Friday, 15th July 2005, 13:59

Access Level: Competent

About this user: newcomer to dvd

This user has posted a total of 96 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.09 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Pheonix Nights Vol 1 and 2 only £14.99

Collected mine from the local store. Top marks to W H Smith for honouring the price - which I assume was an error.

RE: The official childish banter thread.

My dad`s got a black belt in Origami - so youse had better all watch it!

Help: The Office - series 2

This request applies to the Region 2 of The Office - series 2

I`ve heard that the pilot episode of The Office is hidden in the DVD as an Easter Egg. Has anyone accessed it yet or this just a rumour?

RE: Wife Swap (aka Pikey scum Part 1)

Random Username - please inform your mum that I`m entitled to my opinion. I think that spending £15k a year on fags, bingo and booze when you`re on benefits and you`ve got 8 kids is irresponsible. Does that make me a bigot?

This item was edited on Saturday, 11th October 2003, 13:37

RE: Wife Swap (aka Pikey scum Part 1)

Waynetta got her `jugs` out in the Daily Sport yesterday (so I`m told!) - great mother, don`t we all agree? I`m sure she didn`t do it for free. How will that affect her benefits?

I`m certainly not advocating sterilisation or anything like that. But if 2 useless layabouts want to have 8 children why should taxpayers subsidise their fecklessness? This pair spend £150 pw on fags and £80 pw on bingo - money which should be going to feed and clothe their kids. That money alone is more than some worker`s weekly take-home pay!

My taxes have soared in the last 5 years and I am p*ssed off being taken for a ride.

RE: Pikey scum.

RJS - I would be willing to bet that most, if not all, of their children will also become benefit scroungers. They see their parents lifestyles and they emulate them. Why should they work when it`s handed to them on a plate?

I remember years ago seeing a young boy in Toxteth being asked `What do you want to do when you leave school?` Answer ` Go on the dole like my da` !`

The benefit system was never intended to be a permanent lifestyle choice.

RE: Pikey scum.

It just summed up for me what`s wrong with this country - when those pikeys get paid just under £40k after tax for sitting on their fat lard-*rses all day chain-smoking.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th October 2003, 09:15

RE: Russian Roulette......Fancy a bit of that?

My understanding of Russian Roulette is that you place a bullet in the gun and then spin the chamber - therefore you do not know where the bullet is. That is not what he did.

If he had done that then that would have been impressive.

RE: Oh what the hell is Mrs Chris Evans doing in a BBC drama?

I thought the programme was quite good - and she didn`t give the worst acting performance I`ve ever seen. Got the makings of a good series.

RE: BBC Regions on satellite - Yipee ! Can get `em now

Choagy - I`m afraid we won`t be seeing the Scottish Premier League games (except for Rangers v Celtic) down South - or anywhere outside Scotland. Reason being, although the BBC satellite transmissions are `in the clear` the SFA agreement prevents the BBC from showing games throughout the UK.

Consequently, SPL games will not be shown on satellite, and viewers in Scotland will be asked to switch to analogue and will receive the signal through their aerials. An alternative programme will be shown on satellite at this time. So, unless you are in the terrestrial transmission area you will not see the games.

If any exiled fans (like me) are interested Sentata are offering a `season ticket` for their satellite transmissions which will allow viewers outside Scotland to see around 38 Rangers and Celtic away games. It only costs £30 so seems good value.

RE: Does anyone understand the Tax System?

If you think of the tax you pay (both direct and indirect) as days and months instead of a percentage - it really hits home how much we`re shafted. The `Tax freedom day` last year fell on 5th June!

So, basically you are working for the Government until then and only after that are you working for yourself. Any bets on how it will be before we work for them for longer than we work for ourselves? See this link:

Since Labour came to power we are paying £126 billion more in tax - but what have we got to show for it? It`s an absolute disgrace.

This item was edited on Friday, 27th June 2003, 17:51

Referendum on the new European Constitution?

The Daily Mail recently ran an `unofficial` referendum in which 1.7 million voted - with another 55,000 polled by ICM. The results today showed that a huge 89.8% voted for a referendum.

Do you think President Blair can afford to ignore such a large vote? Surely even he must know the people of this country do not accept his party`s claim that this is a `tidying up` exercise?

RE: Tw@t that robbed Tony Martin now gonna sue him........

RJS - the reason I`m upset by this case is because of the injustice of it. As you say anybody can sue anybody - but a convicted burglar suing his victim? And he`s getting Legal Aid to do it - therefore at our expense. Tony Martin will not be getting legal Aid when he defends the case.

If the police had done their job properly and protected Tony Martin as they should have he would not have been forced to "take the law into his own hands". Should he, therefore, not be allowed to sue the police?

To say that people like me who are fed up with criminals getting "rights" over and above their victims does not mean we want to go back to "the lynch mob mentality".

RE: F***ing pikey car thieves!

I take it you`ve reported the incident to `plod` - who have, no doubt, interrupted dishing out parking tickets and are hot on the heels of the culprits? LOL

RE: Tw@t that robbed Tony Martin now gonna sue him........

Since the shooting Fearon has been in jail for a drugs offence ... and he`s suing Tony Martin for £15,000 for "loss of earnings" because the injuries he sustained prevented him from getting work.

WHAT? The pikey scumbag hasn`t done a day`s honest work in his life.

If this ever gets to court then we really will know that the lunatics have taken over the asylum.

RE: Tw@t that robbed Tony Martin now gonna sue him........

I am sick and tired of these left-wing judges making life sh*t for the rest of us. They live in their gated, and probably guarded, properties and all we ever hear about are the "rights" of these scumbags.

What about the "rights" of the victims and other members of the public?

The "right" to leave your house and not worry it`ll be trashed by the time you get home.
The "right" to leave your car somewhere and expect it still to be in one piece, or still there, when you return to it.
The "right" to walk down the street without the fear of being mugged.
The "right" not to worry about your kids, wife, mother etc. being attacked on a train, bus etc.
The "right" to be able to leave a window open in the summer whilst asleep without worrying about the potential consequences.

This country, it`s laws and judiciary are a sick joke. That w[at]rekn Tony Blair promised to be "tough on the causes of crime". Well he`s tougher on the "victims" of crime where Tony Martin is concerned.

It`s pathetic - but you know what? He`ll get in next time and the country will move ever closer to complete breakdown of law and order and anarchy. I intend to move abroad as soon as I can - this country is finished.

RE: Introduction to MD tonight...what do you say?

Gavski - how did it go last night?

This item was edited on Friday, 13th June 2003, 09:08

RE: Introduction to MD tonight...what do you say?

If you tell one of the "Haggis" stories expect to be sacked on the spot!

Although the Jim`L Fix it story does sound rather naff. Maybe something outrageous you`ve done on holiday or something?

RE: Captain Gatso strikes again

And in the latest round of Council Tax price increases (they never go down , do they?) Thames Valley police demanded, and got, a massive 44.8% increase in funding. As they do FA to actually catch criminals - and given this new luctrative source of income - why the increase?

RE: Man U say yes to the man from Barca`

£30 million or thereabouts ... and Man Utd won`t even miss him. What a piece of business!

RE: The Young, Crime and Violence

Crikey, the police are a bit too aggressive in NI aren`t they?

RE: Captain Gatso strikes again

Smiler - don`t be so sanctimonious. I am certainly not advocating that people drive around like lunatics. It`s well documented that these cameras have resulted in millions of pounds of extra revenue for the police. Some of them are located in accident blackspots - but many are not and are placed to catch the maximum number of motorists.

It`s also well known that the only time many law-abiding, middle class people are confronted by the law is when they are being handed a parking ticket or receive that little brown envelope after having being `caught` by a camera. These cameras make no allowances for the time of day or night or the number of pedestrians around etc.

At least when you were stopped by a proper traffic cop he/she had some discretion in the matter.

RE: Captain Gatso strikes again

Excellent! The vast majority of these cameras have nothing to do with road safety - but are merely income generators.

RE: The Young, Crime and Violence

This country is like the old Wild West - but, unfortunately, there`s no sheriff around to keep the peace. The police gave up on fighting street crime, burglary, grafitti, car theft etc. years ago - and now concentrate on sure-fire `money spinners` like speeding motorists etc. It also doesn`t help when the gobsh***s do get caught and go before the courts that out-of-touch judges don`t jail them or let them off with a warning. Every judge in this country should be forced to live on a sink estate for 6 months before taking up his appointment.

As far as I am concerned there is a contract between the Government of the day and the citizens. It goes like this: We, the Government, will endeavour to protect all citizens against criminal acts and we will endeavour to apprehend and prosecute wrong-doers. You, the citizens, in return will pay for the police and judicial system and you will promise to allow the police to deal with crime and you will not take the law into your own hands.

The Government have not kept their side of the bargain so they should admit that they have lost the war on crime and they should allow ordinary citizens to defend themselves by whatever means necessary. It`s about time victims were given some redress in this country.

RE: What`s the best joke you`ve heard recently?

he he he ahem he he he - just like that!

RE: What`s the best joke you`ve heard recently?

I was complimented on my driving today. I got back to my car and there was a note on the windscreen saying `Parking Fine` - so that was nice!

I was parked up later and this guy knocked on the driver`s window and said "Can you give me a lift, mate?" I wound down the window and said "Sure. You look great, the world`s your oyster, go for it!"

Two cannibals were eating a clown and one turned to the other and said "Does this taste funny to you?"

This item was edited on Thursday, 5th June 2003, 18:27

RE: Cyberhome 400 @ £50!

Would they be PAL, though - as France use SECAM I believe?

Would they work in the UK?

RE: I`m off to the Scottish Cup Final.


The police hats came about because the Celtic fans took the p**s out of the Rangers fans when they played in the Uefa cup final which was televised on BBC. They taunted the Rangers fans by saying that they would have to watch `The Bill` on the other channel. Hence the police helmets when Celtic returned empty-handed.

RE: A music question for all

How about Abba for the 70`s? If the number of hits is the benchmark they had 10 platinum and 5 gold albums in the UK alone. They have spawned numerous tribute bands and Mama Mia is still a sell-out show in London nearly 30 years later.

RE: Poo is funny

I don`t know if there`s any actual medical evidence of this - but women seem to be able to hold in number 1 and 2s for days! If they don`t want to go because the toilet is iffy they just don`t go. How can they do that?

If I need either and I know I`m within 50 yards of a loo the process starts even before I get there!