Time & Time Again

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My Family & Reincarnation


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Retail Price (Softback): 9.99
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ISBN: 978-1-907126-00
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The author in 1979, had found himself drawn, perhaps for the first time in his life, to his father's mother about whom he knew so little save for the fact that she had died in an asylum.

A ghost, who later proved herself to be that of his grandmother, was seen and heard in a churchyard. A few years later, she began to communicate, firstly through a reluctant psychic and then continually through the well-known medium, Evelyn Payne.

This true story proves beyond doubt the existence of spirits able to see and understand the world that their bodies have left, and proves that reincarnation is not just a belief, but a reality.

This is a completely true story, a chronicle of a chain of incredible and fascinating events which have taken place in the author's life. These are not ordinary events but encounters with the next world which can only be deemed as proof of the after-life.

Kenneth N Gould recounts how his 'Grannie Alice' from beyond the grave, requested him to act as her saviour and her pen; her chronicler and agent on this earth; and how she informed him of the tasks required in order to fulfill her wishes, which have now been accomplished.

Additionally to his grandmother's own story, unexpectedly and astoundingly he has been led to the conclusion that reincarnation has occurred with respect to another member of his remarkable family.

This book must surely become a classic in the field of the paranormal. For anyone with even just a fleeting interest in this subject and family history, to read it is a must.

If you doubt reincarnation and life after death, then it is time for you to think again...

Healings of Atlantis Ltd

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