WWE Jeff Hardy: My Life, My Rules

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So this is for two for two with WWE releasing a DVD set for someone who is now working for their rival: TNA. So I should expect a Mr Kennedy and Bobby Lashley set sometime soon too. In a way, I understand why WWE chose to still release it despite this as Jeff is one of the most popular stars of the past five years and so they would be stupid not to capitalise on this. The fact this isn't a burial of Hardy and actually treats him with respect is a pretty good sight too.

The main part of this set is a rather short (less than an hour) documentary which covers Jeff's career from his return in 2006 to him leaving in 2009. This is possibly due to the fact they had already released much of his career up to then in the Jeff and Matt Hardy DVD. Unlike other sets, the documentary moves around his 'loser leaves WWE' match against CM Punk, which is extremely effective. They cover his feuds with John Morrison, Randy Orton, Matt Hardy, Edge, Triple H and more. Commenting alongside Jeff Hardy are Shannon Moore, Matt Hardy, Gregory Helms, John Morrison, Jim Ross and Triple H. The one problem I do have is the mix between reality and storyline as they discuss his rise as it happened with his bumps in between, but when discussing the Matt Hardy or CM Punk feud it is discussed as if what happened and the story behind it was real, which is a little odd to say the least.

By 'bumps' I mean they do cover his suspension for violating the wellness policy and I think the oddest thing about that is not Jeff's honesty about 'taking something I shouldn't have' but at the fact he didn't seem sorry to have taken it, more sorry that he was caught. His reaction that 'I don't agree with all the rules' in regards to the wellness policy actually makes me wonder why WWE chose to keep this part as it really does paint Jeff as a waste of space drug addict who will continue to do drugs as long as he can escape the scrutiny of the policy. His second violation is also covered and Michael Hayes admits that he would have won the Money in the Bank of that year, but once again he screwed it up.
The three disks also includes twenty-seven matches all of which are spectacular to watch as long as you understand that Jeff Hardy more or less does the same ten spots or moves in every match he has ever been in. Saying that, you could say the same about any wrestler, but at least Jeff's moves are exciting no matter how many times you see it. The highlights from the matches include:
 Ladder Match for Hardcore Championship vs. Rob Van Dam, Intercontinental Championship matches vs. Johnny Nitro,  Shelton Benjamin, Armageddon match against Triple H, WWE Championship match against Randy Orton, Triple H and the Triple Threat between him and Edge and Triple H and his two matches against CM Punk.  There are also a lot of obscure matches such as one from 1994 against 1-2-3 Kid which I can only assume was his debut in the WWE and a number of Hardy Boys matches including the classic three way between them Edge and Christian and The Dudley Boyz which includes an alternate commentary by Matt and Jeff which is actually pretty interesting, though I wish more alternate commentaries had been included too. It's actually rare that I don't wonder where a certain match is, but on this set I think the company more or less covered everything with the only match missing is his amazing ladder match against The Undertaker, though this has been included in other sets.

Jeff Hardy: My Life, My Rules is a great set. The documentary is a nice change from the overlong, self indulgent or the brief clip/match ones from the past and I don't think there is anything on the three disks that didn't belong on there. If he never comes back to the WWE, this set is perfect at showing just how good he was in the ring and Triple H says it best when he says 'Jeff Hardy is one of those guys who shouldn't be in the main event, doing the things he's doing... but he'll do them anyway'. And at times, this needs to be seen to be believed.

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