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Legend Best `enters final hours`

gordyffc (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 24th November 2005, 13:43

From BBC



RE: Legend Best `enters final hours`

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 24th November 2005, 13:50

Feel sympathetic for the family, but not for him. It`s never nice one someone dies, especially someone so well known - but he`s tested the publics patience.

Still, thats all been discussed before many a time I`m sure.

Giggity giggity!

RE: Legend Best `enters final hours`

gordyffc (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 24th November 2005, 13:54

Yip, he only has himself to blame, I wonder if he would change anything if he could do it all over again? Probably not!!


RE: Legend Best `enters final hours`

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 24th November 2005, 13:57

but he`s tested the publics patience

But the public are, by and large, fickle idiots.

At the end of the day, a man is lying, near death on a life support machine after being unable to conquer his addiction and inner demons, which, I think, should be able to eek even the smallest bit of compassion for him.

I was never his biggest fan, as a person and his son is the human equivalent of a paper cut on your bellend, but the fact that, in this day and age, even someone so rich and successful cant overcome, what is becoming one of the scourges of our society is a pretty sad thing.

Its not like he decided `Yeah, so its killing me, but what the hell? I dont really feel like giving up the turps today......`.

All glory to the hypnotoad
What im listening to (if youre interested)

RE: Legend Best `enters final hours`

sput2001 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 24th November 2005, 14:07

The only way I`ve been able to deal with Bestie is to treat him as two people - the sad, sick, alcoholic and the most gifted genius of a player that the UK has ever produced.

RE: Legend Best `enters final hours`

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 24th November 2005, 14:10

I understand that he has had difficulties overcoming alcoholism, but I still find it hard personally to garner much sympathy. He`s had far more opportunities than many people would ever get, in every aspect of his life.

Yeah its sad, I wouldn`t wish it upon the man in anyway and I know he`s probably never expected sympathy, but when you hear of news like this what are you supposed to think and feel?

Its not like he decided `Yeah, so its killing me, but what the hell?
And you know that how? ;)

Giggity giggity!

RE: Legend Best `enters final hours`

WD423 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 24th November 2005, 14:24

I`m glad his passing will be peaceful without pain. Without a doubt he was a gifted player.

RE: Legend Best `enters final hours`

RJS (undefined) posted this on Thursday, 24th November 2005, 17:20

Yeah its sad, I wouldn`t wish it upon the man in anyway and I know he`s probably never expected sympathy, but when you hear of news like this what are you supposed to think and feel?

Which opens up a far bigger debate I think.

When someone like Spike Milligan dies, I feel a small bit of sadness, because he was very talented and made me laugh, even in his old age.

But when Diana died, I didn`t care. She was born into a rich family, married a prince, lived a luxurious incredibly spoilt lifestyle, so far removed from the rest of us, I`d find it easier to identify with a slug. So all the TV footage just annoyed the crap out of me.

I wasn`t born when Best was playing footie at the top of his game, so for me I`ll only know him as an alcoholic. I`ve seen what drink does to some people, so my sympathies lie with his family and friends. As for the man himself, I don`t really feel either way. I don`t believe he chose to be an alcoholic, but then he wasn`t a close personal friend either. So I feel nothing.


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RE: Legend Best `enters final hours`

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 24th November 2005, 20:07

Granted he may have been the best football player at the time, but he p***ed it all away on alcohol and drugs, trouble with this country we tend to celebrate losers like him in the newspapers as well as that knob head Doherty, and build them up to something they`re not, just low life p*** head junkies.

There are far more deserving people out there to be crowned legend, Best isn`t one of them, at least when he and Doherty dies that`ll be two less d*******s in the newspapers.



RE: Legend Best `enters final hours`

SteveBanana (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 24th November 2005, 20:12

I do feel sad. Never had much time for the "birds `n` booze" Besty who`d wasted his gift before I really started following football but he has a disease, an addiction, which has destroyed his life prematurely and not through his rational choice.
And I don`t think he would do it all again at the cost of ending up as he has. If he did authorise release of photos showing him in hospital then he was trying to warn others off going down the same path.
When he`s at peace maybe people will remember him for his football again, and not for the decline.

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