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"The Spirit" -worse than Battlefield Earth?

1mills (Elite) posted this on Monday, 15th December 2008, 14:31

RE: "The Spirit" -worse than Battlefield Earth?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 15th December 2008, 14:38

I started reading that review on AICN earlier and got really f***ing bored, but I got the gist of it. I`m pretty sure though it`s not the `worst movie ever`. And anyway, I think after the Comic-Con footage everybody knew it was going to be an abomination. I want to watch it to see just how bad it is!

"Why should YOU go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?" - Bob Loblaw
DVD Reviewer News Hound
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RE: "The Spirit" -worse than Battlefield Earth?

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Monday, 15th December 2008, 15:03

It was funnier reading the talkback in which the reviewer was totally slated.

RE: "The Spirit" -worse than Battlefield Earth?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 15th December 2008, 16:59

The talkback wasn`t on there when I looked, because that was the first I wanted to see after scanning through the god awful review. :)

"Why should YOU go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?" - Bob Loblaw
DVD Reviewer News Hound
Tales from the Script @

RE: "The Spirit" -worse than Battlefield Earth?

David Beckett (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 15th December 2008, 18:55

I never visit AICN - do all the `reviewers` hide behind nom de plumes? If you`re going to write something like that (boring and self indulgent - I didn`t even read the whole thing) you should at least have the courage to use your real name and stand by what you say.

Site reviewer for DVD Reviewer and
My DVD Collection

RE: "The Spirit" -worse than Battlefield Earth?

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 15th December 2008, 19:08

Ouch. I was more amused that someone on there had a username of Spandau Belly...


Si Wooldridge


Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 15th December 2008, 19:33

I`m sort of depressed by that. I`ve read some of the original Will Eisner strip, and I was looking forward to the movie as the original strip has a lot of humour in it. Then I heard Frank Miller had a hand in it. >:(

J Mark Oates

The Greetings and Blessings of the Season to one and all, and the sincerest hope that 2009 fulfils or betters all of our expectations and hopes

This item was edited on Monday, 15th December 2008, 19:24


1mills (Elite) posted this on Monday, 15th December 2008, 20:54

I started reading that review on AICN earlier and got really f***ing bored, but I got the gist of it. I`m pretty sure though it`s not the `worst movie ever`. And anyway, I think after the Comic-Con footage everybody knew it was going to be an abomination.

I didn`t actually read the review myself, just skimmed through as reviews on AICN tend to be spoiler filled, but it`s sometimes good to get an early idea of how good a film is.

I hadn`t seen the Comic-Con footage either as all I`d seen was hype for it. Surely it can`t be worse than The Happening anyway.

I`ve never actually seen Battlefield Earth either.

This item was edited on Monday, 15th December 2008, 20:35


Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 15th December 2008, 21:30

Wasn`t a dig at you 1mills, was just saying that the reviewer was just confirming what everyone else had thought. :)

As David said, if reviewers won`t use a real name they lose instant credibility. And they never use real names on AICN - even the official site writers!

I read the talkback - was very funny and the criticism much deserved.

"Why should YOU go to jail for a crime someone else noticed?" - Bob Loblaw
DVD Reviewer News Hound
Tales from the Script @


chewie (Elite) posted this on Monday, 15th December 2008, 22:46

First off, anyone that tries to be clever by using the ancient `rape` analogy is an ass-clamp. It`s not funny now and it never really was, the only reason it amused some was because it reminded folks of how sad and pathetic the people that think that are (hence why that South Park episode was funny).

This film is one of the few that even in the trailers just looks phenomenally awful, as if every shot and each performance is just somehow wrong and off like a 40 year old can of spam.

Mark`s probably heard of this, but it`s an interesting `what if` involving some (now) very respected filmmakers. Clicky here.

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