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Can you recommend me some GOOD horror movies to see?

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 25th March 2004, 20:44

I`m looking for some recommendations on the best Horror films to see. Ive never really been a horror fan until very recently.

I`m looking for some really good ones and not cheesy horror.
for example:

I hated Raimi`s Dead Trilogy but loved Romero`s Trilogy
I hated Jeepers Creepers (not seen the second instalment) but loved Darkness Falls

Please note aswell that i class slasher flicks as mostly comedy.

So what will make me cack my pants and not just cheap scares like jumping out of closets, lol

Any help appreciated

RE: Can you recommend me some GOOD horror movies to see?

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 25th March 2004, 21:07

Being a big horror fan, I would suggest the following...

The Fog
From Beyond
Texas Chain Saw Massacre (original)
Near Dark
House of 1000 Corpses
The Wicker Man
28 Days Later
Theatre of Blood
The Thing (sci-fi/horror!)
Scream and Cream Again
The Exorcist

I could go on forever, but you may like to try some of the above & hopefully enjoy a few of them in the process.

"Stan is my best friend at church"

This item was edited on Thursday, 25th March 2004, 21:14

RE: Can you recommend me some GOOD horror movies to see?

Butterfield8 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 25th March 2004, 21:14

I`d personally like to recommend Halloween....oh bugger - you said you found horror funnny. So do I a lot of the time - but there are exceptions. I think this is one.

I liked 28 Days Later too - great with the sound up LOUD and the lights off.

The Wicker Man is one that I hadn`t seen `till recently......wicked! But! Enter the film expecting nowt........and you will be pleasantly surprised.

I will post more as I think of them matey.....ooh! American Werewolf In London - and I also liked Company Of Wolves too whilst I`m on the Werewolf thing.....


RE: Can you recommend me some GOOD horror movies to see?

Butterfield8 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 25th March 2004, 21:16

I also love TCM - I liked Wrong Turn so much, I reckon, due to the original...


RE: Can you recommend me some GOOD horror movies to see?

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 25th March 2004, 22:39

I rented Wrong Turn Saturday gone and was bored stiff throughout. I think it might have been my missus to blame as huffed and puffed all the way through it. I will give it another go when she`s out next week as i really liked TCM and it is in the same vein isnt it.

i was flicking through the Sky channels a few months back and there was nowt on except Halloween H2O so i watched that and couldnt believe i wasted an hour and a half of my life on it. As that is the only Halloween movie i have seen it kind of put me of the rest, all of which my brother-inlaw love. I`ll get a lend of the orginal for next week and give it a shot.

I bought a DvD on a wim last year for £13. It was The lady in White or the White Lady (i forget which). it was a Ghost story from the 80`s and it terrified me with it`s atmosphere alone. I only ever watched it the once then sold it on for £27 before Xmas when i realised it was OOP (was very skint you see). Check it out if you havent seen it already.


RE: Can you recommend me some GOOD horror movies to see?

Mike Mclaughlin (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 25th March 2004, 22:54

The original `Vanishing`, not I repeat not the Hollywood remake, is one of the best horror films ever made. Guaranteed to leave you traumatised for life... if that sounds like your bag.


RE: Can you recommend me some GOOD horror movies to see?

Batavia (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 25th March 2004, 23:34

Psycho, original and remake. The remake is surprisingly good, and an honorable homage that actually makes it on its own.
"Apocalypse Now" also frightened me to death.

RE: Can you recommend me some GOOD horror movies to see?

DazMack1979 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 25th March 2004, 23:53

The Thing (sci-fi/horror!)
Scream and Cream Again
The Exorcist

LOL That`ll be the p0rn version then, I assume... ;)

Definitely The Thing (Carpenter version!) also look out Lucio Fulci`s Zombie Flesh Eaters and The Beyond (non-R2 versions) for something splattery and scary.

Must admit I felt decidedly unsettled after watching 28 Days Later, that hasn`t happened with many films. Rigid in my seat throughout, just so well done I near poo`d myself.

This item was edited on Thursday, 25th March 2004, 23:55

RE: Can you recommend me some GOOD horror movies to see?

Ascomdog (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th March 2004, 07:43

Scream and Cream Again. LOL That`ll be the p0rn version then, I assume...

Lol! I never noticed that. Freudian slip, as they say! :D

That`ll have me smiling all day...thanks Daz!!! :D

"Stan is my best friend at church"

RE: Can you recommend me some GOOD horror movies to see?

foxmeister (Competent) posted this on Friday, 26th March 2004, 10:44

I`ve watched Dark Water and Audition this week (both chinese films with English subs).
Both highly recommended, scared the hell out of me, not for the faint hearted !!! :o

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