Changes made to The Vanguard

Revision 2

Created on Saturday, 27th September 2008, 21:52
Change Submitted by David Beckett

List of Changes:

    • Change #1 - ust a trailer and some behind the scenes footage, which isn’t particularly illuminatingseven deleted/extended scenes and some behind the scenes footage, which isn’t particularly illuminating as it is unstructured and mostly consists of b-roll footage; I

Revision 1

Created on Saturday, 27th September 2008, 21:48
Change Submitted by David Beckett

List of Changes:

    • Change #1 - heading] Introduction[/heading] <newline>[i]2015 - the world is in chaos. The last known oil fields have been lost to a global war, over-population has reached critical levels, food and water is scarce. Anarchy prevails. Mankind is on the verge of a new Dark Age. <newline> <newline>During the upheaval, one Corporation has emerged to become more powerful than any government. Its base of operations is a fortified city known as the Red Zone. As the outside world bums, the Corporation implements a depopulation program to cull the human race. <newline> <newline>The scientists tasked with this heinous act revolt. The drug they are instructed to develop should pacify and then slowly kill; but instead, the scientists turn mankind into something beyond their worst fears. <newline> <newline>Out of this darkness a new species has arisen. They are dominant and savage and their number far exceeds what remains of mankind. <newline> <newline>For the few survivors lost to the wilderness, they are known only as: Biosyns.[/i] <newline> <newline>[imgmc=0
    • Change #2 - ish. <newline> <newline> [imgmc=0

Initial Version

Created on Saturday, 27th September 2008, 21:45
First Submitted by David Beckett