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PCs & Mobiles Forum

Ripped off for phone charges!

Sue Davies (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th September 2006, 09:38

I have a mobile just for emergencies and texts mainly. A few days ago I got a text from 80777 for which I was charged over £5 and the next day I received another.

I complained to 02 who "can do nothing" but supply the company name Opera telecom.
I complained to them who did nothing but put a restriction on my phone, so in theory I can put some credit back on it.
Luckily I was just in the process of swapping phones so I will reluctantly bin the sim.

There does not seem to be any comeback on these people and when I tried to text stop to the number it didnt accept it-that might have been because I only had 13p credit ha ha.

Opera Telecom have told me its a company called 3 Business with surprisingly an 0870 number to ring. I have asked for an earthbound address and if I dont get it Im going to report everybody to OFTEL.

I was told that I must have registered my mobile number with a third party site but I only give the number to friends and school.

Has anybody had this kind of problem and more to the point got their money back?


RE: Ripped off for phone charges!

Chris Grant (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 27th September 2006, 15:44

Complain via - the premium number watchdog.

- AND -

information commisioners office

We had had these messages, and mentioned small claims court and got a cheque back from the company that send us messages without permision. But they clain we must have "subscribed to there service". The threat of a CCJ works though.

Can I also suggest you register your number with the telephone preference service - then you have more rights via the european privacy reg`s via from memory.


RE: Ripped off for phone charges!

Sue Davies (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 27th September 2006, 21:47

thanks for the info Chris I will persist in getting my money back

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