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Page 1 of Is my E55 dying?

Hardware Forum

Is my E55 dying?

Trentculp (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 31st July 2005, 13:45


My E55 is starting to play up. It`s having trouble reading unfinalised RAM and DVD-R disks of various makes, and comes up with "unknown format/non recordable disks" type messages.

Sometimes it will accept a blank disk and record on it, but when I take the disk out and try to play it later, it won`t read it unless it`s been finalized. However, it still plays pre-recorded disks without trouble.

I`m surprised by this. It`s never given me trouble in the 15 months that I`ve had it.

So is this the end?

RE: Is my E55 dying?

gizmo2 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 31st July 2005, 14:02

Sounds like a firmware `loader` problem.

I don`t know if Panny do F/W updates but if they do, try it.
If not I would contact them and see if there is any way for you to re-load the firmware.

RE: Is my E55 dying?

blodwin (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 31st July 2005, 18:23


You could try a reset and leave unpowered for a full day then try again.That works for the BNI 1000r with odd finalize problems sometimes.



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