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the cheapest dvd player

ifti (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 5th May 2004, 14:30


im after one of those `cheap` DVD players for the bedroom. it doesnt have to be great as the TV isnt too good either but does the job.

ive looked at the one in asda but it doesnt have a LCD its@ £29.99

these`s also one in my local sainsbury which is a Loglos or something like that i didnt get a chance to take a look properly but it starts with L anyone else seen it ? thats also at 29.99 but has a display. not sure if its multi region or if it can be hacked.

my local tesco doesnt seem to have any cheap DVD Players they only have a BUSH for 40 or 50 quid.

im in the london area and havent had a chance to check out other stores.
does anyone know of a online place the dvd players are resonable.

thanks in advance.


RE: the cheapest dvd player

Skeeter (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 5th May 2004, 16:18 has a 24.99 player i think.
also a few on amazon going cheap.

Try kelgoo or whatever that search engine thingy is.

RE: the cheapest dvd player

peterswest (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 5th May 2004, 18:04

Try Somerfield / Safeway / Makro,
They are all selling the Akura DVD player at around £29.95 ! Looks good, I bought one. Has DTS out plays CD / MP3 / DVD +RW - RW JPEG !

RE: the cheapest dvd player

Jefferson Haliday (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 6th May 2004, 13:28

Isn`t life sweet sometimes? When I first joined this forum a few years ago a cheap DVD player was a £150 player that could not play anything except certain discs remember the furore over the Gladiator disc that only players above £250.00 could play? now their knocking out far superior equipment at a fraction of the price (My Kenwood cost me almost 300 quid and it won't play burnt CDs! Let alone JPEG etc)
So sometimes technology does mean cheaper, better products £30.00 for a decent player? It can't get any better. Can it?

RE: the cheapest dvd player

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 6th May 2004, 15:31

Yeah, the Chinese sure know how to churn `em out. Not worth repairing them at those sort of prices. Can`t help thinking though it`s bad for the environment all this over production.


RE: the cheapest dvd player

Skeeter (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 6th May 2004, 15:32

Tedelex TE118

sister bought one and it plays copys mp3 jpgs and had a few of the sound processing features like dolby digital decoder, as most players do these days.

absolute bargain for 24.99.

This item was edited on Thursday, 6th May 2004, 16:36

RE: the cheapest dvd player

chmacobi (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 13th May 2004, 22:58

Is this Tedelex 118 player has, lcd displey on the front panel which displays track numbers and time.........or just have display on TV???
Thank you


RE: the cheapest dvd player

Skeeter (Competent) posted this on Friday, 14th May 2004, 15:19

It`s all done on tv menus which i wouldnt really mind as all u want is one for a spare room or bedroom u stick a dvd in a press play. If u wana know how longs left and such just use display or whatever on the remote and it should pop up a small timer or somit at top of screen.

For 25 quid u really shouldnt be fussed.

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