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Page 1 of I just bought a LG-3351E and I would like to know ...

Hardware Forum

I just bought a LG-3351E and I would like to know ...

nicolas062001 (Harmless) posted this on Saturday, 20th January 2001, 13:16

Hi to everybody ! I have read many threads on this forum to make a choice before buy a DVD player. I finally make my choice for a LG-3351E
I`m in France. I would like to know if someone knows the different between the famous LG-3350E (many threads on it) and the LG-3351E sold in France (0 thread).

Sorry if someone has already answer this question. I`ve searched thrue the site and did`nt found anything on 3351E

Thanks a lot by advance.


RE: I just bought a LG-3351E and I would like to know ...

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 20th January 2001, 13:25

>>"Sorry if someone has already answer this question. I`ve searched thrue the site and did`nt found anything on 3351E"

Well, we have! lol

the 3351 is a european 3350. :o)

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!

RE: I just bought a LG-3351E and I would like to know ...

rlmc (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 21st January 2001, 02:15

if the 3351 is a european 3350
what`s the AIWA 370 european equivalent?

RE: what`s the AIWA 370 european equivalent?

lievn (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 21st January 2001, 12:47

Well let`s see erm....

The Aiwa 370 perhaps??? (officially XD-DV370)


RE: what`s the AIWA 370 european equivalent?

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 21st January 2001, 20:23

>"The Aiwa 370 perhaps??? (officially XD-DV370)"

Tut tut Lievn, I`ve posted this many times also!

UK 370 = XD-DV370KN (champagne)
Euro 370 = XD-DV370EZN (champagne)

Gawd, I`m just a mountain of useless knowledge, aint I?


AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!

RE: what`s the AIWA 370 european equivalent?

lievn (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 21st January 2001, 20:41


Maybe u could put up a site with all this useless info!! ;-)


RE: what`s the AIWA 370 european equivalent?

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 22nd January 2001, 00:55

>"Maybe u could put up a site with all this useless info!! ;-)"

Hmm...I can see you and me falling out here Lievn!! Lol!

It`s currently at 22 pages and rising steadily..soooo much to get into such a limited time! lol

Hopefully next couple of days though...and the "frames" are getting dumped...but I`m still a crap page designer! lol

AIWA 370 (officially) ROCKS!!!!!!

RE: what`s the AIWA 370 european equivalent?

Shekhar (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 22nd January 2001, 10:44

Just wondering does the 3351 have exactly the same features as the 3350? One last thing does the 3350 multi-region hack work for the 3351?

RE: what`s the AIWA 370 european equivalent?

lievn (Competent) posted this on Monday, 22nd January 2001, 12:43

Did u read this thread at all?????

It`s the SAME player!!!


RE: what`s the AIWA 370 european equivalent?

Shekhar (Harmless) posted this on Monday, 22nd January 2001, 15:35

just really wanted to put my mind at rest as I can get one in my local electrical retailer. Lievn are you sure the multi-region hack works (same as the LG3350) as I will purchase a player over the next week or so. I just wanna be sure that it can play multiregion.

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