Page 1 of Panasonic s31, any opinions?

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Panasonic s31, any opinions?

dvd searcher (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 22nd May 2003, 21:36

Hi, I was having my eyes on the panasonic dvd-rv62 (which apparently is the same machine as the rv32), when I today found the s31 that seems to be able to play loads of more formats.
Is the s31 the same machine as the rv62, e.g. the same quality in picture/sounds etc?

Is it possible to get any of them code free (without ordering a chipped one)?

the s31 costs about 169 euro and the rv62 costs 139, are there any other dvd players that I should consider? One guy was speaking strongly for the JVC <something> 33 that costs around 139 euro....any opinions?

and last, where can I find good websites with reviews of dvd players?

RE: Panasonic s31, any opinions?

Paris (Elite) posted this on Monday, 26th May 2003, 11:35

A friend was recently in contact with Panasonic about hacking their DVD players. Thier reply... GOODBYE you are the weakest link. I would avoid their players if at all possible. Go for a player you know can be modified easily with the remote control.

RE: Panasonic s31, any opinions?

dvd searcher (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 4th June 2003, 15:40

yeah, it seems quite impossible to find hacks for it....
but since it seems to be a very good player.....can you recommend another model that has got the same quality and is region free?

RE: Panasonic s31, any opinions?

spin (Competent) posted this on Friday, 6th June 2003, 07:18

you can get multi region versions of nearly all Panasonic players for the same price in most dealer,the dealear has to only point the dealer remote control at it and hey presto it is multi region!! takes all of 60 seconds,I have done quite a few myself including the new DMR50 recorder.

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