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Page 1 of Panasonic E-20 a Good Buy?

Hardware Forum

Panasonic E-20 a Good Buy?

snafu (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 1st December 2002, 03:02

My local store has an E-20 for £450 - probably an end of line machine that used to cost £799. Is this a good buy or is the new E-30 at £499 a better buy?

RE: Panasonic E-20 a Good Buy?

Chris W (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 1st December 2002, 11:54

Thats expensive these days - the E30 is only £400 from a couple of online retailers (e.g. Comet).

Also the E30 can be multiregioned.

The only advantage the E20 has over the E30 is that it`s got a dv input - the E30 is a bit more tolerent to the types of DVD-R it accepts though and has nicer software (apparently).

This item was edited on Sunday, 1st December 2002, 11:56

RE: Panasonic E-20 a Good Buy?

Kayenta (Competent) posted this on Monday, 2nd December 2002, 00:46

I have both an e20 and a few e30`s. The e30`s look better, the menu system is slightly improved but otherwise performs the same. With the exception of the dv port of course.

Hope this helps


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