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<<< How many films do you watch in a week? >>>

sketch (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 13th January 2002, 17:59

For me its barely 3-4, but when I first had Sky, I was doing about 10 just to get my monies worth!!! :)

Got curious cos everyone here (incl me!) has become a victim of dvd hoarding, and are buying new ones, before having seen/opened the ones bought months ago!!!

I know some have as many as 300+ in their collection, but...... Just how many do you actually watch!!!!!?


This item was edited on Sunday, 13th January 2002, 18:25

RE: <<< How many films do you watch in a week? >>>

Anil Khedun (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 13th January 2002, 22:40

Interesting gauge of sadness....

On average I watch about 8-10 DVDs a week, but then I watch very little TV and have been trying to save some money for a nice summer holiday somewhere, where I can buy loads of DVDs...! ;-)

RE: <<< How many films do you watch in a week? >>>

Mark Turner (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 13th January 2002, 23:22

<<Got curious cos everyone here (incl me!) has become a victim of dvd hoarding, and are buying new ones, before having seen/opened the ones bought months ago!!! >>

Oh, I can SO identify with that!

I went a bit mad after I bought my DVD player last June, buying up all manner of films that I like, just because they were cheap. There`s consequently a huge stack of unwatched DVDs sitting in the corner of my living room, and I have had to FORCE myself not to buy any new ones until I`ve made inroads into the backlog. What is doubly strange is that I would never have thought of buying them on VHS........

I sometimes wonder why I bother subscribing to the Sky film channels when I barely watch 1-2 a week from them

RE: &lt;&lt;&lt; How many films do you watch in a week? &gt;&gt;&gt;

xHCx (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 13th January 2002, 23:44

being a graduate with no job and a lot of time on my hands i generally watch 5 or 6 films a day which are usually about 4 on DVD and then whatever crap is on late night tv. i`m still trying to get through a backlog too, ahh how i long for the days when my student loan cheque came through and i could go on a shopping spree.
and before i get abuse, no i`m not sponging off the state, i`m fully self sufficient.

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