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Sick Days

SidShady (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 9th December 2006, 02:00

FACT : I get no reward for 100% attendance at work.

FACT : If you are sick, there are no penalties upto a certain percentage off sick. Only penalty after that is it is monitored more closely until it gets extreme.

Am I a fool, idiot + other names that i dont want to put down for going to work everyday?

FACT : I get paid x amount and have say 25 days holiday a year.

FACT : Someone else gets paid x amount for having 25 days off a year plus 20 days off sick.

That means they get in my books 45 days holiday to my 25 days.

Should I start taking the odd day off? Im not saying penalies people, but a little reward would be nice. Our company are not even allowed to say `THANK YOU` let alone give a reward.

I feel like I am now the victim of politacal correctness or whatever you want to call it.

Any thoughts from people and or advise.

RE: Sick Days

Matthew Smart (Reviewer) posted this on Saturday, 9th December 2006, 02:46

FACT : I get no reward for 100% attendance at work.

Your wage packet? Job safety?

Should I start taking the odd day off?

Two wrongs don`t make a right... but it sounds like your employers need to re-think their absence policy. Most folks pull a sickie now and then because there are losts of people who can`t stomach the working, commuting, stress, sheer mind numbing tedium, et all of their jobs 5 days out of 7, for 48 weeks of the year. But if people are exploiting your company`s sick leave policy because the PTB make a habit of telling everyone there`s a threshold to cross before you`re in trouble, then it`s run by imbeciles. Depending on your morals, you should either get on board the hookey pony until they clamp down, or have a word with your boss about the holes in the system and how unfair you think it is that some unscrupulous individuals are getting fringe benefits from their incompetence.

Although I find it hard to believe any employer lets people away with bunking off for what amounts to about one day in every 2½ weeks unless their limbs are falling off.

Site Reviewer

DVD Reviewer @ Last.FM

This item was edited on Saturday, 9th December 2006, 02:56

RE: Sick Days

admars (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 9th December 2006, 06:46


I know exactly what you mean, I`ve never pulled a sickie, and I haven`t had a day off sick at my current job, been there coming up to 5 years now, but most ppl`s attitude seems to be that I`m mad for not using sick days I`m "allowed"!

I remember at my old job, I had a stomach bug so took a few days off, and my housemates attitude was "yeh, well done, take a few days off, why not?". I had to explain to him I actually was ill, and not abusing the system.

Saying that, I`d rather the guy who sits near me, who was been coughing and spluttering and work recently took time off for a cold, rather than risk giving it to me ;)

I think it`s a sign of the times thing, i.e. a lot more ppl are happy to abuse the system as they know they`ll get away with it.

Some of us I guess still hold proper values, installed by our parents, or whatever, when you go to work to earn and honest wage, by skiving off not only are you abusing your company policy, but your work mates who may have to do your work for you. :(

That`s my reason for not taking sickies, it`s not fair on the 2 guys I work with. If you`re on leave work loads can be planned, but to not just turn up, especially `cos you can`t be bothered cos you have loads to do is just wrong.

Get`s worse this time of year, as some ppl with hangovers phone in saying they`ve come down with a cold/stomach bug or something :(

rant over :)


This item was edited on Saturday, 9th December 2006, 06:49

RE: Sick Days

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 9th December 2006, 10:07

You need to get a job with Leicester council. There sick is something that is an intitlment that has to be taken. I belive you can get away with about 3 months holli... I mean sick over a year. >:(

Dr 42%er

It`s not easy being different. It`s not easy being cool....but somehow I manage....

RE: Sick Days

Juls (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 9th December 2006, 10:46

Try working for the NHS!

We get coughed, snotted, sh*t, sicked on most days, deal with outbreaks of D+V, and at the moment are in the middle of Bronc and meningitis season so have all sort of bugs breathed on to us BUT if we have more than 3 days off over a year we have to go to Occi Health and have a full medical! (amazes me though that `stress` is acceptable because of the `current climate` in which we are working but thats another story >:( )


This item was edited on Saturday, 9th December 2006, 10:46

RE: Sick Days

biddenden_sue (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 9th December 2006, 11:05

I cannot condone anyone pulling a sickie because they feel "entitled" to it. Are you trying to kid me that the regular skivers that "work" in an establishment have the same amount of respect from their peers and seniors as those that take pride in their work and turn up every day except in extreme circumstances?

Throughout my working life I have always turned up about 30 minutes early to have a cup of tea and a natter before starting work, stayed late (with no extra money because I`ve always been on a salary) if something important needed finishing, and even been on call for emergencies with no extra pay (usually to help out a boss who also doubled as a lifeboatman)

It`s a matter of pride. If you don`t enjoy what you do, do something else!

Why don`t you come up and see me sometime?

RE: Sick Days

SidShady (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 9th December 2006, 11:58

Thanks for posting guys.

I`m glad to hear that i`m not the only one who will go to work come rain or shine.

I work for a hugh multinational company and put tried to argue the fact that its unfair.

But our HR department in which some people are on 100k+ salaries have ruled any reward impossible. We honestly are not allowed to be thanked and i cannot thank the people under me either. Our union would step in and repremand us for doing so.

Throughout my working life I have always turned up about 30 minutes early to have a cup of tea and a natter before starting work, stayed late (with no extra money because I`ve always been on a salary) if something important needed finishing, and even been on call for emergencies with no extra pay

I am the same as you too. Get in early and it will avoid that 1 day a year when theres traffic for me not to be late.
It does go against my morals too. Even as a kid i would not bunk a day off school.

That`s my reason for not taking sickies, it`s not fair on the 2 guys I work with.

I see your point on this, and I feel the same. But is it fair on me that they are sick.

I think from reading these replys I know what question i should be asking.

Since I don`t get sick...Touch wood. And I cannot get rewarded and others will and I know should take time off. Should I at least take 1 day off a year?

Are there any pyscologycal benefits to having a `duvet day`. Just a thought

RE: Sick Days

Stu UK (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 9th December 2006, 13:10

What about the people that come into the workplace with colds and flu spreading it to everyone else and then they moan about people taking the day off :o They are just as bad as the casual sick day people.

I am in the same boat as Jules, Occi Health MOT at a cough or fart lmao.

mmm chocolate

RE: Sick Days

Magic_ians (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 9th December 2006, 13:14

Sid,I know exactly what you mean, I`ve never pulled a sickie

Me too,some people just take the Mickey

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RE: Sick Days

Stu UK (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 9th December 2006, 14:27

Sid,I know exactly what you mean, I`ve never pulled a sickie

Me too,some people just take the Mickey
Does this mean you have never been unwell or are you one of those buggers that coughs and sneezes over your workmates and then complains when they go off sick? lol

mmm chocolate

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