Page 1 of The official heartless bastard\pining for the fjord jokes or what to do with a dead bunny thread.

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The official heartless bastard\pining for the fjord jokes or what to do with a dead bunny thread.

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th October 2006, 17:37

What`s the best way to dispose of a ex-rabbit?

I consider myself an optimist, albeit an optimist with cynical tendencies and a dark side that Lucifer himself would find a little creepy. (Perhaps you've noticed.) You don't normally associate cynicism with an upbeat pov. But I have exactly that combination and will defend it.

RE: The official heartless bastard\pining for the fjord jokes or what to do with a dead bunny threa

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Thursday, 26th October 2006, 17:40

Stew. :)

J Mark Oates

My suspicions were aroused when I saw he was wearing Battle of the Bulge ribbons.
There are no ribbons for the Battle of the Bulge!

RE: The official heartless bastard\pining for the fjord jokes or what to do with a dead bunny threa

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Thursday, 26th October 2006, 17:47

Bury in the back garden

My eyes, My beautiful eyes....

My Collection

RE: The official heartless bastard\pining for the fjord jokes or what to do with a dead bunny threa

LongPig (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 26th October 2006, 19:28

Acid bath

RE: The official heartless bastard\pining for the fjord jokes or what to do with a dead bunny threa

Neiliboy (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th October 2006, 20:31

earn some man points and skin it ;)

Companies that have p**sed me off so much that I will never use them again and I hope you dont either....
Alloy Bodies of Manchester - The Grand Daddy & Benchmark for shockingly poor customer service.
Capital Bank Leasing who are part of BOS & are f**ing useless & struggle to action the smallest request but are fantastically efficient at taking money out of my account
Abbey National Absolutely diabolical service - how hard is it to change £60 of coins into notes????
....more coming soon no doubt.....

This item was edited on Thursday, 26th October 2006, 22:34

RE: The official heartless bastard\pining for the fjord jokes or what to do with a dead bunny threa

Billyflash (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 26th October 2006, 20:39

get some of that stuff to bring it back to life............................

sorry thats hare restorer

i`ll get my coat

RE: The official heartless bastard\pining for the fjord jokes or what to do with a dead bunny threa

Linebacker2 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 26th October 2006, 22:26

sorry thats hare restorer

:o :D :D

I suppose you all heard the urban myth/true story about next doors dead rabbit, something along these lines…..

One day, this family's dog brings something into the house with him.
Turns out to be the neighbours (now very ex) bunny rabbit, looking very much the worse for wear!
So the father gets the ex bunny off of the dog, thinking how do you explain this to neighbours. So he decides to clean the bunny up (get rid of the mud etc.), make it as presentable as possible and sneak it back into its hutch later on. Then act all surprised and express condolences when next door say about their bunny suddenly popping off.
So, bunny gets cleaned up and sneaked back into its hutch, job done.
Next day, talking to neighbours, when they bring up the subject of their rabbit, and how it had died and that they had buried it in their garden and that some sick b[at]drats had dug it back up and put it back into the hutch ! :D :D


OK, I`ll get me coat as well.

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