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Page 1 of Terrorists doing us a BIG favour.........

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Terrorists doing us a BIG favour.........

Kayenta (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 18:49

Because succesive governments for years have never listened to the public opinion of `Enough IS Enough` or `Lets look after our people`

But 125 million refugees later, it may be about to change because of suspected terrorism. HOORAY, terrorists, economic migrants, asylum seekers. WHO CARES ? ? Get rid of them and send ALL the lefties too. Jesus, I wish we were like Australia.

....And today Mr Blunkett announces that he is worried about UK residents becoming vigilantes. I wonder why that is ? Makes me wanna puke.

I guess England USED to be good though.

Rant over.


RE: Terrorists doing us a BIG favour.........

sonylover (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 19:14

Too right get rid of all the free loading scum!!!!!!!!!!

Sick to death of working my ass off to achieve the life i want, then some fookin freeloader comes here and get everything handed on a plate sits back and lets our fookin w*** government look after them (bless) no wonder they can`t wait to get here!!!!

RE: Terrorists doing us a BIG favour.........

cfgte3 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 19:19


RE: Terrorists doing us a BIG favour.........

Bubblegum (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 19:29

Too true, lets hope that its all put to a stop before something kicks off big time!

RE: Terrorists doing us a BIG favour.........

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 19:51

I have to say these refugees, asylum seekers or whatever you choose to call them dont really help themselves, not 3 miles up the road we have around 25 of the little buggers....... barstards I mean, 3 at a cash machine, thay withdraw a handfull of cash each tax payer dough Id like to add then promptly wonder into the local spar and try too lift a hand full of cream cakes! Old bill turn up shortly after, turns out thay are already know by the local bill for trying to pinch food in other stores around the area.

Really does get on my tits!

RE: Terrorists doing us a BIG favour.........

Ryno_Dod (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 19:53

get ready its comin!!!!!!!!!! worms/can/open. accusations af being nazi`s
by people who never lived with it and dont understand the real meaning of the word we are all scumbag tabloid readers incensed by the DAILY RAG
not just people with (maybe) kids mortgages hopes asperations a want for a better life for all mankind but not at our kids mortgages hopes asperations expense (i live in leicester and a better mix of cultures you could not want for no riots/race attacks and a broad section of our city oppose all these spongers) its mainly eastern europeans we have got tho and these are the one`s who cause the grief we welcome all in real need but not those who want to take from us without putting back in. take a trip down leicester`s golden mile (melton road ) to find an area of great intrest and varied religeons (and cracking curry houses!!) im just scared for future generations the NHS already at breaking point schools overcrowded housing shortages . you can only fit so many in a lifeboat before it too needs to be rescued

ta ta

RE: Terrorists doing us a BIG favour.........

Asad (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 23rd January 2003, 23:30

But 125 million refugees later, it may be about .....

Where would they be then ???

RE: Terrorists doing us a BIG favour.........

Jon_C (Elite) posted this on Friday, 24th January 2003, 01:28

>>>accusations af being nazi`s
by people who never lived with it and dont understand the real meaning of the word >>>

I`ve read these postings with interest and there are some valid points amid the vitriol, so I`m not going to reduce anyone here to being labelled a Nazi just yet. Equally, I`d ask that you consider my points without dismissing me as a loonie leftie/Guardianista.

I would just like to point out that it is very easy for full UK citizens who are comfortably off (assuming that you lot haven`t forsaken food and rooves over your heads in favour of internet access) to rant about how there are too many refugees etc and claim that this is the root of all evil.

Just bear in mind both sides of the issue. Sure, there are plenty of immigrants exploiting and abusing the benefits system but there are also plenty of good old UK citizens practised at exploiting and abusing the very same system. What about benefit fraud and the many other crimes carried out by good old British citizens? For some reason, ranting about `bogus asylum seekers` attracts more attention. Demonise them by all means but give our own criminals the same treatment please. ;-)

I`d also wager that if any of us were dealt a different hand in life and experienced the life of an immigrant (whether a `bogus` asylum seeker or not), the amount of antipathy encountered from the great British public, coupled with the natural instinct to survive by whatever means, would probably alter our moral views on such matters as abuse of the benefits system.

A few years ago I lived in Italy, where immigration was and still is a topic that gets people`s backs up. Going back a century or two, I`m pretty sure that the many Italians who emigrated to America - and now make up a huge part of the US population - didn`t travel across the Atlantic because they were facing persecution but rather, because they wanted to make better lives for themselves. When I suggested this to one or two ranting Italians they kind of went quiet (a sight to behold, I tell you).

My point is there is something in me that finds it hard to blame anyone for coming to Britain and chancing their arm in the hope of having a better life than they had wherever they were before.

Yes, immigration is a problematic issue but, to paraphrase F Scott Fitzgerald, before we judge anyone, perhaps we should remember that not everyone has had the same privileges in life as us.

Those shouting most loudly might not like to admit it but having British citizenship does confer a great deal of privileges to those who are born with it, whether you`re rich or poor. Why else would we all be making such a fuss about other people coming in and ruining our wonderful country?


This item was edited on Friday, 24th January 2003, 01:33

RE: Terrorists doing us a BIG favour.........

Jon_C (Elite) posted this on Friday, 24th January 2003, 01:30

>>>these refugees, asylum seekers or whatever you choose to call them dont really help themselves>>>

Nicking a few cream buns does sound like `helping themselves` by the way ;-)

RE: Terrorists doing us a BIG favour.........

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 24th January 2003, 08:21

Witty and rather amusing! ;-)


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