Page 1 of Anyone know a good/cheap place to buy a ROLEX ?????

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Anyone know a good/cheap place to buy a ROLEX ?????

foxmeister (Competent) posted this on Friday, 30th August 2002, 13:31

There is a distinct possibility that the wife will allow me to dip into the savings and buy myself a Rolex (Submariner or GMT Master) for my next birthday !!
Has anyone bought one recently (not a fake) and can put me in contact with a reputable dealer who can supply me with one at a reasonable price ??
Thanks in anticpation ....

RE: Anyone know a good/cheap place to buy a ROLEX ?????

cynic (Elite) posted this on Friday, 30th August 2002, 13:36

Do you know how many DVDs you can buy for a Rolex (and how many on posters on this forum have spent that much buying them for that matter)

RE: Anyone know a good/cheap place to buy a ROLEX ?????

tiklyrixx (Competent) posted this on Friday, 30th August 2002, 14:01

For a Rolex, go to Ilford high street, wait bye the station and wait for a guy called "Tevin the tief" tevin will sort you out with a rolex. You`ll know him, he has a long black overcoat with lots of compartments inside.

He might be able to sort you out with a few car radios as well....

RE: Anyone know a good/cheap place to buy a ROLEX ?????

MicoMan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 30th August 2002, 16:38

RE: Anyone know a good/cheap place to buy a ROLEX ?????

Smiler (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 31st August 2002, 15:07

Why spend so much on a watch when a 20 quid one does *exactly* the same job.

Not to mention most rolexes look crap and you will get mugged.

RE: Anyone know a good/cheap place to buy a ROLEX ?????

lard (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 31st August 2002, 15:13


£2 per watch! Mine`s still going! w00t!

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