Info and forum posts by 'Smiler'

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Joined on: Sunday, 12th December 1999, 01:06, Last used: Wednesday, 15th February 2006, 12:31

Access Level: Competent

About this user: I`m 19, currently studying Computer Science at Loughborough University

This user has posted a total of 209 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.02 messages a day, or 0.16 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Did anyone record "Spendaholics" on 18th March on BBC3 9pm


Yes. My girlfriend knows of her. Silly girl.

However I`ve just noticed that it is repeated about 3 times so I will be sure to catch it and record it!

Thanks anyway

Did anyone record "Spendaholics" on 18th March on BBC3 9pm

Hello all,

A friend was in the program - a debt adviser. I promised to record the show for him, unfortunately, being without Sky+, I forgot!

If anyone recorded it on Sky+ and could transfer it to DVD / Video or send me the video then please post here.

I will obviously pay full postage costs and a fiver for your troubles

RE: Football Manager Quotes

See I`ve never got why people take the mick out of Motson for that one.

Wouldn`t be interesting to know what colour Spurs were wearing even if you were watching in black and white.

Person watching in black and white "Hm, I wonder if Spurs have their home or away kit on today?"

RE: Looking for a cheap Plasma

How good are they? To be that cheap they must of scrimped somewhere!

RE: serial numbers

Surely it must be dodgy if no serial can be found?

RE: Speed cameras - mobile, fixed etc

We`ve had this debate many times before I know. But you wouldn`t have reason to complain if you just kept to the speed limit :)

All the Police are doing is enforcing the law. You seem to think that speeding is OK yet I doubt many of you would go shoplifting :)

Speed limits are there for a reason. Look at the braking distances that happen at different speeds. Quite astonishing.

RE: So which do you think is the best MP3 player around?

Btw, whoever said Ipod is only for Mac is a fool, the Ipod does work on the PC as well.

The best thing about owning an IPod is Itunes, which is easily the best music store around.

RE: Sick of so called fans !!!!!!!!!!

I expect that anyone who gets arrested and found guilty, when deported will probably then be banned for life from England matches as well as passport confiscated etc.

RE: I`ve lost so much on gambling

Gambling is not a mugs game if you know what you`re doing.

There`s plenty of ppl out there making a living out of it.

For example on Betfair when there is live betting, odds can fluctuate so much you can make a guaranteed profit on events (I achieved this with numerous snooker matches in the World Championship and the Champ League final).

The problem is, most don`t know what they`re doing.

RE: Why do certain people always have a go at Rik?


Why have a problem with public schools. Firstly none of your taxes contribute to them and they are funded by the parents - they are better schools because of this fact. If they have the money to do that then they have the right to do that - or are you a supporter of communism?

Secondly as Rik has said he achieved a scholarship, therefore he had to work to get there. Anyone can sit a scholarship exam at a public school if they have the brains.

RE: Pirates are evil - FACT!

Anyone who sells pirated goods in this country are scum though and people buying from them are mugs.

I hope you share the same opinion about drug dealers and drug users!

RE: McDonalds- I think

The main reason for McDonalds introducing these new lines is to increase sales - not to cut obesity - sales for McDonalds have actually been declining. Since the Big Mac they haven`t really come up with anything that interesting so revitalising the menu is in order.

They make more profit from the Large meals than the Super Size so I guess they want to force everyone to go Large.

(What you get for reading business case studies!)

Sky remote - controlling TV


For some reason, my sky remote has lost the ability to control my TV.. the batteries didn`t run out so don`t know why.

Anyway, how do I set it back up again so that my remote can control the TV?



RE: BBC TV Licence

I could understand people moaning about the licence if the BBC was crap.

But let`s face it. They are the best broadcaster in this country, and probably produce most of the best programs.

The licence fee is wholly justifiable if BBC do a good job - and they do.

RE: Maroon 5: Harder to breath.

Indeed it is Andrew.

I saw Maroon 5 when they were supporting Matchbox 20 this summer at wembley arena.

They rocked. Great live. Great album.

Everyone start to love Maroon 5!

RE: `24` series 3 - starts february, not on BBC...

Actually I believe the reason that BBC did not buy 24 was that Fox were not happy that BBC had switched their satellite and were now broadcasting it unencrypted....

Americans have to watch it with logos, adverts and all from the very first series, so be grateful we`ve had two without it.

RE: Any other Telewest victims out there?

I don`t think anyone can be smug when they use NTL. Pile of crap.

Sky and ADSL all the way!

RE: The Official Reviewer Get Together Thread - PART 1; The Ideas Shortlist!!

Nottingham - midlands, needs to be central.

Secondly anyone who is under 18 - don`t even bother coming - as you will end up on your own with nothing to do if you get IDed!

RE: Confessions of a DVD Addict - comments welcome!

Lets face it, most ppl collect DVDs so they can show off how many they have to their mates when they come round!

RE: decisions, decisions..

Ignore them, single seater!

RE: The impact of the new members


I was running UD but then stopped for a while. I`ve restarted now. Will have my work machine (P4 2.4) running it 24/7 and my home machine whenever I`m on that (P4 2.8) so hopefully will do something useful.


Wouldn`t watch that screener, it`s pre a final edit, so it could include things which spoil things for the future episodes.

Secondly the first episode was presented without adverts, but had long messages from Ford either side of the programming beginning and starting, it is actually only 51 minutes in length....

RE: Car Tax discs


Post edited by moderator. Language like that is just daft and uncalled for. Think before you type next time please.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 1st October 2003, 09:59

RE: TV licences for students


I am a student and also a landlord.... :)

If your daughter and her housemates have a joint tenancy agreement (all names on one contract, signed by all, all jointly responsible etc) then you will only need 1 licence for the house.

If each person has undertaken a separate contract with the landlord then you`ll need a licence each. Most likely it will be a joint one though.

She`s not at Loughborough is she? :)

RE: Cargo Net. Where can I buy one ?

Dealer of your car manufacturer most likely.

RE: Would you vote for this man, man?

He clearly just did it as a p*** take, which is what you could find out if you read many of the interviews / articles about him