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Page 1 of Scooby Doo get`s cut!!

General Forum

Scooby Doo get`s cut!!

Wayne Reeves (Competent) posted this on Friday, 12th July 2002, 18:04

HA HA! Even Scooby isn`t safe now!!!. A kick to somone`s head has been denied us all for the sake of a PG rating instead of a 12. I wish the useless 12 rating was scrapped to be honest, far too many are cut for a PG nowadays, even my beloved Attack of the Clones movie!.

At least if the jump was from PG to 15, more movies woudn`t suffer cuts for cash benefits at the box office.

RE: Scooby Doo get`s cut!!

Johnboy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 12th July 2002, 18:45

Didn`t they cut a lesbo snog between Daphne and Velma aswell??

My God I hope THATS on the DVD release.

RE: Scooby Doo get`s cut!!

jonboy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 12th July 2002, 19:48

that was cut due to the mpaa in america.they thought it wasnt correct for a kids film to show 2 women getting it on.good film but they wrecked it with the end.

RE: Scooby Doo get`s cut!!

Gurra W (Competent) posted this on Friday, 12th July 2002, 19:56

yeah.. we all want that on the dvd... been waiting all my life for that... (pathetic isn`t it? =O) )

heard they cut some drug-related stuff as well, but we all know what that van is used for between takes.. =OP

RE: Scooby Doo get`s cut!!

enemyonpc (Elite) posted this on Friday, 12th July 2002, 20:23

Apparently there was scene where Fred (in Daphnes body) is running down a hallway naked scrapped aswell.

RE: Scooby Doo get`s cut!!

Mike G (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 13th July 2002, 10:18

What about the bestiality scene between Scooby and Shaggy? Please don`t say that`s been cut too! ;-)


RE: Scooby Doo get`s cut!!

jonboy (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 14th July 2002, 00:38

gellar wouldnt do the naked scene so they wrote it out the script.its in her contract not to do any nude scenes.

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