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Mobile Phone Questions

roar349 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th July 2002, 11:56

OK, I`ve got about a month left to run on my current contract with Orange on Everyday50. Trouble is I recently moved house and the reception is terrible, so if I want to make a call I have to go upstairs and stand at the window. With it almost time to upgrade I was wondering if a different phone would improve the signal (currently using a 3310, considering a T68/T68i). The other option is to change provider, but checking all the maps on the websites all providers seem to have a weaker signal where I live, and the amount of free calls I get with Everyday50 isn`t bad. Any ideas?

RE: Mobile Phone Questions

dusty321 (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 4th July 2002, 12:10

Ive had this problem with poor network coverage before and tryed afew different handsets to see if there was any improvement in signal and there wasnt, your pretty much at the mercy of the network and cell site. The way I overcome the problem be it a pain is to get an external arial slap it somewhere outside and use your phone like that, failing that a different network Id say?!?

RE: Mobile Phone Questions

GSM (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 4th July 2002, 12:23

As youve just moved i assume you dont know too many ppl in the area So - Go to the local pub, wait for a phone to ring ( an one will ring ) then after youve had a few - ask the person what network there on and if they get a good signal ?

Hand set reception can vary among handsets even between the same models. Another option my be to go to a big mobile shop - Carphonewarehouse etc and see if they let u take a few phones on diff networks to test reception - prob require a swip of your card as gaurantee but might be worth a try. Or think of some mates on different netwroks and invite them over for a house warming ;-) then check there reception.

There are various "boosters" that you can use but I have no experience of them and am fairly sceptical as to the use and practicality.

RE: Mobile Phone Questions

sketch (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 4th July 2002, 12:35

If your happy to keep the same handset, and want to change networks you might want to take a look at they offer a number of sim only deal, that are v.tempting.

My particular fav, is the Vodafone200 deal, which cost £99for a yr, and gives you 200min free anytime, any network, thats just £8.25 a month. Absolute bargain, plus its only £85 if you pay in advance!

Of course you may have to modify your Orange handset to work on another network tho.

Hope its of some use.


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