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Gaming and Consoles Forum

Gamecube Phantasy Star Online problems.

voorhees78 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 23rd March 2003, 15:07

I purchased this title for my gamecube on friday and have been playing it for a couple of hours a day since then. Today I had just completed the first level and boss when a warning message appeared onscreen which said that my data was corrupted and that all my information would be deleted. I was furious as you can imagine as I was up to level 7 with my character. I just wondered if anyone else had any problems with this title or is just me. I hope it is not my machine as I am already on my second gamecube.

RE: Gamecube Phantasy Star Online problems.

neal 73 (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 26th March 2003, 11:19

This is what happens if you use a 3rd Party memory card. Get yourself an official Nintendo one.

You`re welcome to join our little group online to get help leveling up and recieve free weapons etc:

RE: Gamecube Phantasy Star Online problems.

Garf (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 28th March 2003, 11:15

I had the same problem with one of those Datel 64mb memory cards, stopped working after a few weeks. Got a Nintendo official one, no problems with it several months down the line.

Shame I couldn`t magically keep my Dreamcast character for this version though... many, many happily wasted hours ;-)

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