Page 1 of Crouching Tiger subtitles different in different regions?

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Crouching Tiger subtitles different in different regions?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Friday, 21st December 2001, 07:23

OK, anoraks on, everyone!
Was watching R4 CTHD last night with stepson, who has seen it several times on UK video. He got most outraged about some of the (English) subtitles reading differently from the video he was used to.
So, is this true? And if so, which is the more accurate translation?

This item was edited on Friday, 21st December 2001, 07:23

RE: Crouching Tiger subtitles different in different regions?

Shingle (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 23rd December 2001, 10:25

Not really sure about an accurate translation, but I remember watching it in the cinema and then purchasing it DVD (Region 2), and I found the subtitles to be slightly different.

RE: Crouching Tiger subtitles different in different regions?

sanejo (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 23rd December 2001, 20:20

The thing that amazes me with the dubbed version of this film is that it looses the reference to crouching tigers and hidden dragons, even more bizzare is the fact that the subtitles clearly maintain the reference.
What`s that all about?

RE: Crouching Tiger subtitles different in different regions?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Monday, 24th December 2001, 08:29

I suppose they were more interested in keeping the dubbing fitting the mouth movements than true to the script! Interesting watching the dubbed version with subtitles switched on - huge differences, and much "clunkier", IMO

RE: Crouching Tiger subtitles different in different regions?

santobugito (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 24th December 2001, 08:51

I am of the school of thought that for far east movies you listen to it in cantonese (or whatever the base language) and watch english subtitle. It is much preferable for films from CTHD to Akira and Jackie Chan movies. Since when is `I kill you b*****ds, if it the last thing I do` been an integral part of mandarin (see various US dubs of JC movies)


RE: Crouching Tiger subtitles different in different regions?

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 26th December 2001, 09:13

Quite agree - watch a film in it`s original language with subtitles.
Here`s an example of the subtitles being different in R4 - when Li meets Jen for the first time, and he comments on her knowing a certain move, she (on R4) says "piece of cake" - apparently different on UK video.
Whatever the nuances of translation, though, what a good film.

RE: Crouching Tiger subtitles different in different regions?

Evil Disco Guy (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 27th December 2001, 01:39

Well I know that the R3 subtitles are the best and most exact subititles out there, the R1 and R2 subs were more Westernised. I don`t know if the Aussie (R4) version uses the R3 subtitles or uses its own translation. I think the latter is more likely, very likely indeed.

This item was edited on Thursday, 27th December 2001, 01:43

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