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Day of the Dead - Widescreen

fruitybones (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 11th August 2001, 21:50

Hi there, I just bought Day of the Dead - Widescreen version today. Compared the previous release by Arrow films I immediately noticed that the picture quality is shaper, the colours are more realistic and vibrant. Then on the opening titles I started to wonder why the text wasn`t smaller than on my full screen version. I got out my old version and realised that the "Widescreen" version actually contained less image as it is the full screen version with the top and bottom trimmed off. It is noticeable in some scenes that the tops of people`s heads are trimmed off and at the beginning when they land in the city you don`t get to see most of the rubbish blowing around on the streets.
Doe`s anyone know what ratio this film was originally filmed in, was it 4:3 or have they trimmed something that was already pan an scanned?

RE: Day of the Dead - Widescreen

Joe McEwan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd August 2001, 22:14

Hi, you probably won`t get this as the thread is over a week old but I`ll tell you anyway. All of George`s dead trilogy (Including the Tom Savini -directed NOTLD remake) were filmed in 4:3 for some bizarre reason. I can understand why they would do it with NOTLD as it was such low budget but Dawn and Day? No excuse. There are, however, rumours that Dawn was shot in widescreen and although there are a lot of US versions in `Widescreen`, all are cropped. In some versions even the credits are cut off in places.
I also own Day in 4:3 and widescreen and it is obvious that the picture has been tampered with.

Hope this helped!

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