Page 1 of Diamonds Are Forever - Aspect ratio question

DVDs & Films Forum

Diamonds Are Forever - Aspect ratio question

groovedoctor (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 21:27

I saw this on an italian movie channel presented in an aspect ratio definitely greater than 2.35:1 (I think 2.45:1). The packaging states 1.77:1 and DVD reviewer states 2.35:1. So does anybody own the DVD and can tell me what ratio it has been transferred to.

RE: Diamonds Are Forever - Aspect ratio question

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 24th July 2001, 23:03

Definitely 2.35 format. The box is a typo. Aspect ratios are a mine field. I saw a movie transfer on one of the cable channels last night that was in 1.85 format but the image was obviously still squeezed (and no, it wasn`t a setting mistake my end, the movie was being shown letterbox on a channel that isn`t transmitted widescreen)

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