Page 1 of Indianna Jones 4th disc specs and the rumored 5th disc

DVDs & Films Forum

Indianna Jones 4th disc specs and the rumored 5th disc

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 11th June 2003, 15:49

From a DVD website:-

Confirmation from Paramount Home Entertainment regarding most of the specs for the highly-anticipated box, which is sure to be one of the biggest catalog sellers of all time.

The four-disc box will be available in....

separate 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen and full screen versions,

with audio options including Dolby Digital tracks in English 5.1 and French and Spanish 2.0 surround (sorry, no DTS or EX)

plus subtitles in English, French and Spanish plus English Closed Captions.

With all the extras on the fourth disc, what can you expect?

While still untitled, thrill to a new full-length documentary on the series,

four separate featurettes on the sound, the music, the stunts and the wizards at ILM.

As of now, no word on whether or not all the film`s many trailers will be able to be squeezed on the bonus disc, but stay tuned.

And in one of those rumors that only the Internet could produce, we`ve received a number of emails regarding a possible special bonus 5th disc offer for the Indy Jones set, which would available to purchasers at specific retailers only, such as Best Buy.

However, we`ve received official word from both Paramount and Lucasfilm that they have no such plans or any awareness of such a promotion or bonus disc offer. Of course, watch this space for any further updates.

It had better be better than that pile of s***e Universal Back to the Future and E.T. I meant the stingy special features on the dvds and not the films.


see "Right that`s it I have had enough!!!" for the second news from Paramount

Bring `em on, I`d prefer a straight fight

This item was edited on Wednesday, 11th June 2003, 16:53

RE: Indianna Jones 4th disc specs and the rumored 5th disc

directorscutIMDb (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 11th June 2003, 15:53

No confirmation on that Vic Armstrong Raiders commentary?

I thought the features for "E.T" (at least the 3-Disc) were brilliant.

Ok, you people! Sit tight, hold the fort and keep the home fires burning. And if we`re not back by dawn... call the president.

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