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Page 1 of simpsons boxsets including seasons 6 and 7 £9.99 each

Bargain Buckets Forum

simpsons boxsets including seasons 6 and 7 £9.99 each

pianeet (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 15th June 2006, 18:33


hi in the woolworths online sale they have simpsons boxsets for 14.99 each but when you add two to the basket you get a ten pound multibuy discount meaning you get the two latest seasons delivered for 19.99 not a bad price,not sure if the multibuy discount works with other dvds but it might be worth trying

RE: simpsons boxsets including seasons 6 and 7 £9.99 each

Flabris (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th June 2006, 07:28

Just checked out seasons 1 and 2 and there is no discount

RE: simpsons boxsets including seasons 6 and 7 £9.99 each

bascule thi rascule (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th June 2006, 08:16

Nicely spotted, duly ordered. Just my kind of bargain.

RE: simpsons boxsets including seasons 6 and 7 £9.99 each

pianeet (Competent) posted this on Friday, 16th June 2006, 11:57


yep seems to only work when you order season 7 for some reason

RE: simpsons boxsets including seasons 6 and 7 £9.99 each

rockysafc (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 18th June 2006, 12:13

Cheers pianeet, I`ll have some of that. :)


"How come we play war and not peace? Too few role models."

RE: simpsons boxsets including seasons 6 and 7 £9.99 each

bascule thi rascule (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 22nd June 2006, 08:41

Season 7 (The full price one in the multibuy) turned up today. Quick look on Woolies account and it shows Season 6 as out of stock or pre-release. You don`t think that the 3.99 Season 6 will be out of stock so long that they have to cancel it do you?

RE: simpsons boxsets including seasons 6 and 7 £9.99 each

LeeDavies (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 22nd June 2006, 10:00

I hope woolworths don`t cancel our season 6.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 28th June 2006, 12:32

RE: simpsons boxsets including seasons 6 and 7 £9.99 each

stuartdurrant (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th June 2006, 15:43

We should be ok. Mine now has been despatched

This item was edited on Tuesday, 27th June 2006, 17:39

RE: simpsons boxsets including seasons 6 and 7 £9.99 each

pianeet (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th June 2006, 17:10


yep just checked mine and it says fulfilled so should be here tommorow

RE: simpsons boxsets including seasons 6 and 7 £9.99 each

pianeet (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 28th June 2006, 11:21


mine came this morning.son is well happy

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