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Page 1 of DVD.CO.UK - Free £20 Voucher with Screen Select

Bargain Buckets Forum

DVD.CO.UK - Free £20 Voucher with Screen Select

Jonpy (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 13th April 2006, 12:21


Sign up for Screen Select`s free DVD Rental service......get a £20 voucher free, spend it, cancel Scren Select (if you so wish) before trial is over and you get charged.
Bargain. :)

Having been ripped off by Screen Select in a previous address, I have no qualms about taking the cash and cancelling.


T`s and C`s here:
Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions govern the offer of DVD rental services via DVD.CO.UK`s and its selected partner ScreenSelect. By using the DVD.CO.UK web site you accept and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions you should not apply for DVD rental services via the DVD.CO.UK web site. DVD.CO.UK reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at its sole discretion.
1. The offer is to supply a free trial of an Online DVD Rental service and, upon the proper registration, issue of a £20.00 voucher code which can be used to reduce the price of any item purchased from the DVD.CO.UK web site.
2. The registration process includes providing an e-mail address, password, Promotion Code, home address (so can send the DVDs), credit card details (to verify identity) and creating a selection of at least 10 titles. If no promotion code is entered, or, if the wrong promotion code is entered, we will not be able to supply a £20 voucher code.
3. The voucher code can only be used to make a purchase and is not redeemable for cash.
4. The voucher code can only be used in its entirety in one purchase and no change can be given for part used voucher codes.
5. You can use the voucher code as part payment of orders over £20 and the balance will be charged to you credit or debit card. For example, a £19 purchase will be covered by the voucher code but no change can be issued. A £21 purchase will be covered by the voucher code and an additional £1 will be charged to your credit or debit card.
6. You will have a period of three months from the issue of the voucher code to redeem it at the DVD.CO.UK website. The voucher code will expire after three months if it is not used.
7. Voucher codes will be sent to the email address that you used to register for the DVD Rental service. It is your responsibility to make sure that you receive the voucher code. If it does not arrive within 14 days of registering for the DVD Rental service, contact us at pleh[at]ku.oc.dvd and we will investigate the voucher code.
8. The DVD rental service is provided by DVD.CO.UK`s chosen partner, ScreenSelect and as such you are bound by their Terms and Conditions. You can review their Terms and conditions at DVD.CO.UK accept no responsibility in any way for the service provided by ScreenSelect and all issues with the DVD rental service, except the voucher code, should be addressed to ScreenSelect.

RE: DVD.CO.UK - Free £20 Voucher with Screen Select

tomS (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 13th April 2006, 13:45

Signed up for this a few days back... no sign of a voucher yet, but they do say its 14 days until you get one.
What happened with screenselect before? They seem quite cool so far, and i`m reasonably tempted to stay with them.

Almost wish i`d signed p to a company like this from the start rather than spending £1000s on dvds that will be worthles in a year or two when HD DVD/Blueray comes out. :¦

For reference, screenselect seem to be the only one of these dvd rental companies that have DVDs and games in the same deal, is that right? They don`t seem to have anywhere near the stock of games that they have of dvds, but its still a pretty cool way to save money as i rarely rewatch dvds or replay games.
For xbox360 owners its got to be a bargain right now...

RE: DVD.CO.UK - Free £20 Voucher with Screen Select

Ryderage (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 13th April 2006, 14:04

sign up thru and recieve an additional £12.50 ;)


RE: DVD.CO.UK - Free £20 Voucher with Screen Select

Jonpy (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 13th April 2006, 14:28

sign up thru and recieve an additional £12.50

Doh! Too late.

I received my voucher within 24 hours and used it the other day. Batman Returns (2disc), Corpse Bride and Bad Boys II (2 disc) should be winging they way to me for £1.25 as I type. :)

RE: DVD.CO.UK - Free £20 Voucher with Screen Select

tomS (Competent) posted this on Friday, 14th April 2006, 12:01

I don`t think you can use the and the quidco offers at the same time. It might be possible with some fiddling though.

RE: DVD.CO.UK - Free £20 Voucher with Screen Select

Agent Cooper (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 14th April 2006, 13:39

Cheers OP - I just signed up for this. Did indeed look at my own DVD collection and realised how much I`d wasted really given how few of them I`ve watched twice.

Will be good for games too - I`d rather try them out this way than waste £30 a pop on total toilet like King Kong on the PSP.

`Diane, I`m holding in my hand a box of small chocolate bunnies.`

RE: DVD.CO.UK - Free £20 Voucher with Screen Select

tomS (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 27th April 2006, 15:51

Just wanted to say that I got my voucher a week or so ago, and have ordered a few dvds from that have just been posted. Have had a few dvds from screenselect as well and like their service (though they don`t seem to have many games in stock). I`d keep up with screenselect - but due to personal reasons i won`t need them ver the next month or two so its time to cancel. I might well sign up again once i have more time though.

Excellent bargain all round... and i think it ends on 6th may so it is still open if anyone hasn`t signed up.

RE: DVD.CO.UK - Free £20 Voucher with Screen Select

bytemaster (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 27th April 2006, 17:22

I signed up with Screen Select on one of their other trials - 30 days free.

I chose the 3 at once deal (as its free why would you choose aything less?). Went to cancel and they offer you a further month at £9.99 instead of £14.99. A bit like SKY they don`t want to let you go. They suckered me in as I figured two months for £5 a month isn`t bad.

I don`t yet know if I will get the same offer when I cancel in a months time.

RE: DVD.CO.UK - Free £20 Voucher with Screen Select

mckenny2k4 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 10th May 2006, 22:45

any1 had any problems with this?

i signed up on screenselect but my card details were wrong, so i tried again, and they were still wrong. i dont think it accepts my type of card. so i cancelled and forgot about it. few days later i still received my voucer. just spent it then on a few games n dvds. was just wonderin if any1 had had any problems?


RE: DVD.CO.UK - Free £20 Voucher with Screen Select

Agent Cooper (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 11th May 2006, 13:30

I had exactly that problem - with a switch card. Had to use another card which worked, then having registered, went into my account details and changed the card back to the original card I had wanted to use.

I`ve used my £20 voucher no problems with quick delivery from and I`ve not cancelled screen select, as so far, so good.

Some of the discs are VERY scratched but haven`t had any major playing problems. Postage from SS isn`t that fast but you can get through 4 discs a week.

`Diane, I`m holding in my hand a box of small chocolate bunnies.`

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