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Page 1 of 2-way radios - £8.73!!!!!

Bargain Buckets Forum

2-way radios - £8.73!!!!!

Bargain_Finder (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 17th July 2005, 16:52

have just found this on argos in the clearance section,


3km range and chragers reduced from £34.95! Bagain! have reserved mine at my local argos extra for collection!

Bargain Finder...

RE: 2-way radios - £8.73!!!!!

The G Man (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 17th July 2005, 18:06

Funny one this. These radios were around at the beginning of the year (see thread here) but were completely out of stock. They have been on the site ever since and I have periodically checked to see if they come back into stock. I have made a reservation at my local `extra` store and it shows a date of 20 - 22 July for collection - a bit odd for `clearance` items that you wait for them to come into stock :/
Don`t know if your reservation was the same , Bargain_Finder , anyhow , thanks for the spot and they will be well worth the effort if we can get them for that price.

RE: 2-way radios - £8.73!!!!!

mc7t (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 17th July 2005, 20:04

Yep...I`ve just reserved a pair of these & have been given a reservation number for collection on Wednesday :/ ..Same as you say, weird fo "stock clearance"

RE: 2-way radios - £8.73!!!!!

MICKEY1 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Sunday, 17th July 2005, 21:36

Have just reserved some for collection 20th of july but small print does say price is price on day of pick up. IE.may not be on offer..................................................

RE: 2-way radios - £8.73!!!!!

Axe-man (Competent) posted this on Monday, 18th July 2005, 09:49

Exactly same here. Pick up on Wednesday.

RE: 2-way radios - £8.73!!!!!

Blue John (Elite) posted this on Monday, 18th July 2005, 11:50

Immediate pick-up in Derby :/



Our Collection (including the ones that belong to the kids!)

`I have something to say. It`s better to burn out than to fade away.`

RE: 2-way radios - £8.73!!!!!

kev2050 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Monday, 18th July 2005, 18:33

I went and picked up these today. Thanks. I think.

I don`t know that I`ll ever use these, but I felt compelled to buy them as they`re considered a bargain!

RE: 2-way radios - £8.73!!!!!

Blue John (Elite) posted this on Monday, 18th July 2005, 18:51

Sade went & picked them up this afternoon - no problems at all!

Thanks OP



Our Collection (including the ones that belong to the kids!)

`I have something to say. It`s better to burn out than to fade away.`

RE: 2-way radios - £8.73!!!!!

Linebacker2 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 19th July 2005, 17:54

Thanks Bargain_Finder,

Just picked mine up. I`ve got them on charge now.

Whilst in Argos (Bristol Imp. Park) to pick them up, I found another pair of MR250s, but these didn`t come with batteries or a charger and they were priced at over £16 :/

Anyone used theirs yet, any good?

Have you tried switching it on........?

RE: 2-way radios - £8.73!!!!!

Sandy Matthews (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 19th July 2005, 18:35

Picked mine up today, very impressed. Tried them over half a mile, nice clear reception. Very pleased, especially at the price. Now just waiting to try out the fog machine - not sure I can wait till halloween......

...oh, and many thanks to the OP


This item was edited on Tuesday, 19th July 2005, 19:41

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