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Page 1 of 128mb MP3 Player £54.99

Bargain Buckets Forum

128mb MP3 Player £54.99

6(SIC)6 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th May 2003, 20:50

I found this on its a player by Kiiro that also is a voice recorder and a mass storage device. I found the 64mb version selling on Ebay for £150. Looks good for that price and if I dont like it I can always put it on Ebay.

Cant supply a direct link but its on the homepage

There is a review on amazon

Here is the Ebay one

This item was edited on Tuesday, 27th May 2003, 21:54

RE: 128mb MP3 Player £54.99

ProdUK (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 27th May 2003, 21:18

it does looks good for that price.

Cheers 6(SIC)6

RE: 128mb MP3 Player £54.99

Kamion (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 27th May 2003, 21:44

Good spot, mate! I have the 64MB version and it`s sweet! I just ordered the 128MB one and will try to sell off me old one! Muahahaha!

RE: 128mb MP3 Player £54.99

AShearer (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 28th May 2003, 10:15

Looks a bargain - all the reviews seem to recommend it. A couple of questions - seems to imply will work as a USB toggle (extra drive) - can anyone confirm this ? If this is so, will save the £30 on a toggle I was going to spend and spend it on this - a 64meg toggle was £30.
Second question - how come Amazon don`t sell this anymore ?
Could anyone answer these questions please ?

Big Fat Billy

RE: 128mb MP3 Player £54.99

Kamion (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 28th May 2003, 10:54

Yes, you can use it as a USB drive to transfer files. But you gotta carry the USB cable with you as the player`s side plug is not a standard USB port. BTW, this is 128MB and not 64MB. ;)
As I said, I have the 64MB version and it`s really good. Got that for £50 last year.
Sorry, no idea why Amazon ain`t selling them anymore.

RE: 128mb MP3 Player £54.99

AShearer (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 28th May 2003, 11:17

Kamion - thanks for that. I did realise it was the 128meg unit - my observation was - just seemed to good to be true when a 64meg USB toggle was £30. So not only do I get double the capacity for work but it plays music ..... now to get work to pay for it !!!!

Big Fat Billy

RE: 128mb MP3 Player £54.99

Braindead (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 28th May 2003, 17:38

Nice one! I spent all last night trying to find a good deal on an mp3 player.

Just ordered the Kiiro - it`s half the price most places are selling it for.

Thanks again :o)#

RE: 128mb MP3 Player £54.99

Stevewxm (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 28th May 2003, 18:58

hi, being a total novice with mp3 players im interested in getting this, would i transfer mp3 files from my pc via a USB lead?

RE: 128mb MP3 Player £54.99

Kamion (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 28th May 2003, 19:44

Yes, you transfer mp3 files from your PC via the USB lead that comes with the player.

RE: 128mb MP3 Player £54.99

Stevewxm (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 28th May 2003, 19:59

thanx! is it cd quality sound etc

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